Trying to install with GoDaddy
I have heard all the hooplah, but I know GoDaddy users that successfully run WordPress and since I have already PAID I really need this to happen.
I have, to the best of my knowledge done everything correctly, but apparently not.
I created a database. I assigned a username and password, then godaddy gives the db the same name you give for a username.
Godaddy says that the database is ‘active.’
I unzipped the package.
I opened up the wp-config-sample.php with EditPlus and filled in the database connection details (see below)
I saved the file as wp-config.php
Uploaded everything into a file named ‘blog’ in the root directory. will not launch.
Here is what the wp-config.php file looks like (btw: do I need to assign a language if I require English?)
/** WordPress’s config file **/
/** **/
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘famblog’); // The name of the database
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘famblog’); // Your MySQL username
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘thewordichose’); // …and password
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value
// Change the prefix if you want to have multiple blogs in a single database.
$table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // example: ‘wp_’ or ‘b2’ or ‘mylogin_’
// Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the
// chosen language must be installed to wp-includes/languages.
// For example, install to wp-includes/languages and set WPLANG to ‘de’
// to enable German language support.
define (‘WPLANG’, ”);
/* Stop editing */
$server = DB_HOST;
$loginsql = DB_USER;
$passsql = DB_PASSWORD;
$base = DB_NAME;
define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);
// Get everything else
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