• Resolved Kazam Creative



    If you visit the link I’ve provided, you will see a black bar at the bottom of each post where I’m trying to show an icon based on the category the custom post is coming from.

    I have the following page template that I’ve customised:

    Template Name: Cr3ativPortfolio-4ColumnFilterable
    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div id="content" class="clearfix fullwidth">
    	<div id="left-area">
    	<?php get_template_part('includes/top_info'); ?>
    	<?php if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
        <!-- Start of wrapper -->
        <div class="cr3ativeportfolio_wrapper">
            <?php the_content('        '); ?>
            <?php endwhile; ?>
            <?php else: ?>
              <?php _e( 'There are no posts to display. Try using the search.', 'cr3atport' ); ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
    		<ul id="cr3ativeportfolio_portfolio-filter">
    			<li><a href="#bistro-deals" title="" rel="bistro-deals" id="bistro-deals">Bistro<br />Deals</a></li>
    			<li><a href="#gig-guide" title="" rel="gig-guide" id="gig-guide">Gig<br />Guide</a></li>
    			<li><a href="#special-events" title="" rel="special-events" id="special-events">Special<br />Events</a></li>
    			<li><a href="#weekly-events" title="" rel="weekly-events" id="weekly-events">Weekly<br />Events</a></li>
    			<li id="showallright"><a href="#all" title="" id="show-all"> Show All</a></li>
        <?php   $loop = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'cr3ativportfolio', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'showposts' => 9999999 ));
                $count =0;
            <!-- Start of cr3ativeportfolio_portfolio-wrapper -->
            <div id="cr3ativeportfolio_portfolio-wrapper">
                <!-- Start of cr3ativeportfolio_portfolio-list -->
                <ul id="cr3ativeportfolio_portfolio-list">
                <?php if ( $loop ) : while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); ?>
                    $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'cr3ativportfolio_type' );
                    if ( $terms && ! is_wp_error( $terms ) ) :
                        $links = array();
                        foreach ( $terms as $term )
                            $links[] = $term->name;
                        $links = str_replace(' ', '-', $links);
                        $tax = join( " ", $links );
                    else :
                        $tax = '';
                    <li class="cr3ativeportfolio_portfolio-item <?php echo strtolower($tax); ?> all">
                        <div class="cr3ativeportfolio_thumb">
                            <div class="cr3ativeportfolio_mask">
                                <?php the_post_thumbnail('slide'); ?>
                        <span class="cr3ativeportfolio_title"><?php the_title (); ?></span>
                        <div class="cr3ativeportfolio_port_date">
    						<strong><?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'cr3ativportfolio_leftintrotext', $single = true);  ?></strong>
    					<div class="cr3ativeportfolio_content">
    						<?php the_content(); ?>
    					<div class="cr3ativeportfolio_footer">
    							if(in_category('weekly-events')) { echo esc_html('<i class="icon-weeklyevents"></i>');
    							} elseif(in_category('special-events')) { echo esc_html('<i class="icon-specialevents"></i>');
    							} elseif(in_category('gig-guide')) { echo esc_html('<i class="icon-gigguide"></i>');
    							} elseif(in_category('bistro-deals')) { echo esc_html('<i class="icon-bistrodeals"></i>');
    							} else { echo esc_html(''); }
                <?php endwhile; else: ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
          <div class="cr3ativeportfolioclear"></div>
        <!-- end #portfolio-wrapper--> 
    	</div> 	<!-- end #left-area -->
    </div> <!-- end #content -->
      <!-- Start of clear fix -->
      <div class="cr3ativeportfolioclear"></div>
    <!-- End of page wrap -->
    <?php get_footer (); ?>

    You will notice I’ve created a new section down the bottom called “cr3ativeportfolio_footer” and here I’m trying to determine what the category is. Should I be looking for a custom taxonomy instead? I think I’m almost there but can’t get it to work.

    I’m not the strongest when it comes to php coding so any help would be terrific.


Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Author akyusa01


    Sorry for the delay – yes, Custom Post Types can’t use ‘in_category’ WP reserves this specifically for posts, so you would have to call in the taxonomy cr3ativportfolio_type.

    Thread Starter Kazam Creative


    thank you for your help with this. I tried to refer to the taxonomy cr3ativportfolio_type but still can’t seem to get it to work.

    Are you able to provide a code snippet that would get this to show the category name? Thank you.

    Plugin Author akyusa01


    Here’s an example of what we use in another theme for a specific loop on our homepage with the category of featured:

    $args = array(
                    'post_type' => 'cr3ativportfolio',
                    'showposts' => 3,
                    'tax_query' => array(
                            'taxonomy' => 'cr3ativportfolio_type',
                            'field' => 'slug',
                            'terms' => 'featured'
    Plugin Author akyusa01


    Closing due to inactivity

    Thread Starter Kazam Creative


    I’ve been on Christmas holidays for the past few weeks so apologies for the delay in reply.

    I tried to create what I needed based on my initial request, using the code snippet you provided, but as I’m not overly skilled in PHP I was unable to get any of this to work for me.

    I will have a look through the WordPress Codex and see if I can find what I’m looking for.

    I appreciate your help nonetheless.

    Plugin Author akyusa01


    No worries

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