• Resolved fbarthelemy


    Le TT2 theme seems to brake the jquery code.
    “ultimate Addons for Gutenberg”, and “GeoDirectory” maps are broken with the TT2 Them.

    Js error :
    `Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘indexOf’)
    at map_ajax_search (map.min.js?ver=
    at build_map_ajax_search_param (map.min.js?ver=
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> ((index):594:4)
    at e (jquery.min.js:2:30038)’

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  • Hi there —?If you haven’t already, you should consider reaching out to the authors of those plugins. Twenty Twenty-Two doesn’t include any JavaScript itself, so it’s likely that the issue here lies in these plugins’ compatibility with WordPress 5.9 and block themes in general.

    Thread Starter fbarthelemy


    So, I reach out to the authors of those plugins.
    Thanks a lot !
    This FSE version is very crazy ! ??

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by fbarthelemy.
    Thread Starter fbarthelemy


    A search on forum gives me this :
    TT2 have issue executing wp_localize_script() from the widget/block.
    And some plugins uses this.
    Here someone reported same issue https://github.com/WordPress/twentytwentytwo/issues/302

    What do you recommand ?

    Thanks for sharing that other thread. Yes, the issue is similar, but like your report above, it’s not necessarily an issue with Twenty Twenty-Two —?it appears to be a conflict with all block themes, and would need to be solved in WordPress itself, or in the plugins individually. I’d recommend waiting for the plugin authors to address the issue.

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