• I know much of the discussion with the advent of WP3 Multisite is consolidating your individual blogs into one Multisite network. But what if you want to go the other way. For example, I want to sell off one of the domain-mapped child blogs in my Multisite install. Does anyone know how to export a child blog out of multi site and turn it into a stand alone wordpress site, keeping the content structure intact?

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  • Go to the tools menu and hit the Export button. That’s how you get the content.

    this is exactly how people move off wordpress.com into their own www.ads-software.com stand-alone install.

    Yes, but what about the settings? options? widgets? and everything else?

    The Export is purely for exporting content; if you want everything else – such as additional tables created by plugins – you’ll need a backup.

    <!– This is a WordPress eXtended RSS file generated by WordPress as an export of your blog. –>
    <!– It contains information about your blog’s posts, comments, and categories. –>
    <!– You may use this file to transfer that content from one site to another. –>
    <!– This file is not intended to serve as a complete backup of your blog. –>

    Use the internal Export function to backup posts, pages, categories, links, and regular settings. For themes, plugins, and uploaded content, you’ll have to retrieve those via FTP (themes: /wp-content/themes/, plugins: /wp-content/plugins/) uploads: /wp-content/blogs.dir/ID/files/). For specific theme, widget and plugin settings, you’ll have to access your mysql admin interface (phpMyAdmin) and export the respective tables there (mostly in wp_ID_options).

    Hm, I had a similar idea and the solution is not great obviously, as it’s very manual and the risk of failure with complex plugin architectures is high…

    It’s probably easier to start off with a standalone, duplicate it and then use the master to update stuff, then again copy over the duplicate, and so on…

    Not entirely satisfactory either.

    Ideal would be a plugin that:

    1. creates a standlone blog
    2. populates it with the content of the child blog in question
    3. copies all plugins and the respective SQL content as well.

    Did I forget anything? ??


    Just wanted to register my desire for functionality like this. I certainly understand the challenges and complexities of a proper export but still fail to understand why no plug-in or core features exists to do it. Nearly every web developer has a sandbox installation they eventually want to clone for production use.

    well, honestly? It’s only been less than a year that “a lot” of developers have started using multisite locally to dev sites, and then export them to live single sites.

    Tho I’m pretty sure some people are starting to work on this.

    one of the immediate hurdles is that users are global.

    how do I go back to single site from network?

    or disable multi site function?

    I also want to move my child site to stand alone site but looking at the steps, I am not confident I can do it with confidence ??

    Go to the sub site, visit Tools -> Export.

    There’s all your posts.

    unfortunately that is maybe 1% of my site ( in terms of file size).

    If I am correct that will not transfer my files?

    If I moved my files, then I am moving the whole site with network enabled.

    can you be more specific which to move and which not to.


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    If I am correct that will not transfer my files?

    You mean the media? Images etc?

    You can import them to the new site, sure. There’s an option to do that.

    Yes, that is what I was referring. Are you saying that Tools -> Export includes media and images to be exported?

    I think the last time I use that tool it only export my post, and comments. Images and media was left behind and I realize I need to FTP them.

    But in this case I don’t know which files I need to FTP because I may be transferring the whole site and not just the child site.

    I am using 3.1.3 by the way.


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