Hello Joel…. It seems that you have taken it upon yourself to admonish me for using the word “unacceptable” in my previous post, so I’ll respond to you directly – as you did for my post.
For the past month now, I’ve been building my wordpress site that relies heavily on pupunzi’s audio plugin on many pages and posts. After accepting the latest update to the player, the overall “look” of all these pages/posts changed dramatically to say the least. I was concerned that all my work might have to be “redone”, and it was in that frame of mind that I added the post here that you have taken exception to – and (after re-reading the tone of my post)I don’t blame you for what you said.
You are of course correct in that no one should “look a gift horse in the mouth” – and my choice of words could certainly give someone such as yourself that impression. For that I apologize to pupunzi for sure.
Please see this link for more of how I feel about pupunzi’s player:
Also, Joel – you have made an assumption with your
feel a sense of entitlement for something we’re not paying for (unless we want to pony up with a donation).
comment. I want you to know that immediatly upon seeing pupunzi’s player on my page, I DID “pony up” with a donation as you suggest for the plugin – so that part of your “lecture” was based on a false assumption.
And it was a request, not a demand, as in the last line of that post: “Please give us a way to toggle these two…”
I’ll just leave it there for now…