Thanks for your help, that worked like a charm.
On another note, I wanted to let you know I think this should be a paid for plug-in. I’m not in the computer business or anything. I clean carpets. But I strongly believe that people should be paid for their work. Even if it’s just a one person job and all you did was adapt the software for wordpress. Then charge accordingly, $3 for example if that covers your labour. It’s better for both of us. You get compensated and I get a plug-in that’s more likely to be properly supported.
Just speeking as a user. I have no problem paying someone for their work. But, I would want 30 day trial to make sure it’s the plug-in I want. Not a money back guarantee. I tried several slider plug-ins before settling on yours. I would hate to pay for all of them, and then look for refunds afterwards – too messy.
A paid plug-in doesn’t need to complex with lots of features to satisfy me. It just needs to do what I need, and nothing more. But, it should work flawlessly. Here are some issues I found with this plug in:
1. Sliding on mobile is jerky. The slide doesn’t have momentum. It comes to a stop when the finger is lifted, then proceeds to the next slide. This might be an Owl issue, rather than an adaptation issue.
2. The auto-slide doesn’t reset the timer after a manual slide. When scrolling through slides, it will periodically slide 2 slides instead of one.
3. The slide action is smooth on some computers, jerky on others. Probably a hardware issue. Also could be an Owl issue, instead of an adaptation issue.
Again, thanks for your help, and the plug-in. Since you’re not charging for this plug-in, I would like to make a donation. Can you let me know how much is fair?