• How can i turn off the auto save i have gone into my plugins and turn it off there. For some reason how it will still save my files. When i hit the publish tab after my blog has been written i get an error that says “are you sure you want to edit this post: “”? yes or no. What ever i click it just looses the post.

    Any ideas would help. I did search for the problem and found something related and did as the post said. Still no luck.

    anything would help at this point.

    thanks all

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  • The Autosave “feature” actually crashes my host’s SQL server! It’s happened about half a dozen times since I upgraded to 2.1.2… Otto42’s tip seems to do the trick for me, and I just realized the best part about it: future upgrades won’t overwrite it (yay!).

    So what is the answer here? What is causing
    Are you sure you want to edit this post?”


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    What is causing Are you sure you want to edit this post?”

    Any number of things which interfere with the Javascript can do it. Extensions in the browser like NoScript (even with it disabled, it can cause these problems), having javascript from other plugins interfering, javascript in the theme can interfere, mismatched versions of scriptaculous from other folders in the installation, javascripts not loading correctly because of apache path problems, etc, etc..

    The list of potential problems is so long that we cannot narrow it down without more information. The short of it is that anybody getting this error has some specific problem with *their* installation. It’s not a bug in WordPress. It’s not a problem with the code. It’s a problem with your specific site in some way. But we cannot be more specific than that because there’s too many possible things to look at.

    My suggestion: Get on the wp-hackers or wp-pro mailing lists and hire somebody who knows what they are doing to find your specific problem and fix it. Or find a geek who can look at your specific site and discover your issue. And remember, your issue may even be specific to *your* browser, so it might not be a site thing at all. The range of possibles is simply too great to offer generic advice.

    Otto42, that’s a BS answer. I’ve experienced this in numerous installs on a variety of server environments with two different browsers. Bugs by nature don’t happen for everyone.

    To simply be a fanboy and say it’s not a bug in WP is absurd, and goes against everything that WP used to be.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    It’s not a BS answer, it’s the simple truth of the matter.

    Put it this way: on a normal server setup, I can setup WordPress totally clean and it works. But if I install certain older themes, I can make it break. If I install certain older plugins, I can make it break. If I install certain browser extensions, I can make it break.

    WP 2.1 includes a lot of new AJAX stuff, and some of it is going to break on certain configurations. Is this the fault of WP, or the configuration? Without knowing a lot more information than people are giving, solving the problem is next to impossible.

    This is not fanboy-ism, it’s trying to explain that we need more information. A lot more information. Information that we are not getting from people with the problem. Yelling “fix it! it’s a bug! fix it!” does not get any closer to a solution.

    If you can duplicate the problem and can’t see the cause due to a plugin, or the browser, or the theme, then tell us how you did it. Solutions don’t come out of nowhere. If you can find the bug, tell us what it is.

    But most likely, it’s a plugin, or a theme, or the browser. Most likely.

    MY point is, the same server, using the same plugins, and the same bloody browser BEFORE 2.1 final the problem didn’t exist. AFTER, it did. Period. It’s a bug. It wasn’t in an y of the 2.1 alpha or RC, it was something stuck in at the last minute. And now on clean installs I’ve experienced it. So far, the best I can find is that it’s with the auto-save. That’s as far as I’ve gotten (and if I disable javascript in the browser), so it’s somewhere between the two. Trust that I’m trying to narrow it down. But to claim it’s not a bug, and a user issue, is absurd.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    I didn’t claim it was a user issue. I wanted more information and for people to stop shouting “bug! bug!”. That is all.

    Look, you’re clearly not reading anything I’m actually saying here, so we’re done.

    You didn’t?

    The short of it is that anybody getting this error has some specific problem with *their* installation. It’s not a bug in WordPress. It’s not a problem with the code.

    Funny, that’s what it looks like to me.

    And, looking at the javascript in 2.2 almost alpha it appears the auto save has been re-written, and tests so far seem that it’s more stable.

    So somewhere it seems someone took a look at it.

    And I did read.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Funny, that’s what it looks like to me.

    Like I said, you’re clearly not reading what I’m saying then. I said it was something wrong on their site or their installation, not something they actually did wrong. That’s the difference that you’re missing.

    It’s a request for more information, not an accusation or a placing of blame. I’m not interested in placing blame. I’m not interested in BS fanboyism. What I’m interested in is technical things. Code. Configuration. Things of that nature. I’m trying to help, and this is how I do it. Point out where the problem must lie, get more information. If you disagree with where the problem is, fine, but don’t be accusing me of something I’m not doing.

    And my point is, if there wasn’t anything wrong with the code, then why has it been rewritten in 2.2almost-alpha, and work?

    To simply place blame on the server, browser, theme, plugin, and not the core code is silly. It’s not meant to be a damnation of WP, or those who volunteer their code, but an honest admittance that a bug exists goes a lot further than passing the buck.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    To simply place blame on the server, browser, theme, plugin, and not the core code is silly.

    Once again, you fail to read what I’m posting. “I’m not interested in placing blame.” Did you miss that part? I was not blaming anything or anybody, and at no time did I ever do so. The fact that you keep acting like I did only proves that you’re not reading anything I type and are acting on some kind of emotional response.

    Calm down. Read what I *actually* post and respond to that. Don’t respond to what you *think* I’m posting.

    And my point is, if there wasn’t anything wrong with the code, then why has it been rewritten in 2.2almost-alpha, and work?

    There are lots of reasons to rewrite code. Not all of them are “to fix bugs”. I have not compared the differences in that code, and so I cannot say why it was changed. I’d have to go look through the changelogs to be certain.

    …but an honest admittance that a bug exists goes a lot further than passing the buck.

    I was not “passing the buck”, I was trying to get more information, as I have already stated three times. Furthermore, admitting a bug exists is pointless unless you know where the bug is and actually *know* that the bug exists.

    Regardless of the pissing match, the latest SVN of WP, 2.2 almost alpha, same site, same plugins, same theme, same browser, the issue is fixed.

    So for those not interested in using SVN (nor should the faint at heart/inexperienced user want to), know that the soon to be released 2.2 *should* fix this problem, baring any changes.

    If you gentlemen are finished, have shook it off and zipped up again.

    I know just enough site building to be dangerous. I chose WP for our site because it was on the list of the different hosts that I use for install, so I figured it must be decent software. Using freeware software the size of the WP project usually has a decent group of trouble shooters on the support forums to help someone like myself that wants to get a group blog up. I find it a big short coming here. No one follows through with you to get your issues resolved.

    There is someone in our group that keeps telling me that WP is flakey at best, and that I should delete it and start using something more stable. I am a bit hardheaded and want to prove him wrong, but am getting close to surrendering. I neither have the time or inclination to dig the bugs out and make the package run like it should. If I wanted to hire someone I wouldn’t be trying free software.

    Thank you for any help that you can give but I don’t have much longer to wait to get resolved.

    I used Firefox, IE, and Opera to test with and had the same issue with all.



    Okay, everyone cool down. We need a few things here. WP 2.2 may have adjusted the code, but the problem is WP 2.1 and _that_ is what is available for public consumption and support.

    So, let’s get this:

    1) Plugins installed and versions
    2) Theme used
    3) Firefox extensions used, perhaps
    4) Platform info… Windows? Mac?
    5) Can you reproduce on a different computer?

    After that, disable ALL plugins – particularly ANY plugin that MIGHT have javascript in use. Does this solve this problem (Note: it will probably create errors on the template because now plugin functions aren’t available – don’t worry when you reactivate those things will be fixed).

    If that fixes the issue, take the divide and conquer approach and reactivate half your plugins (that you were using). Does the problem come back? If no, activate half of what’s left. Repeat and rinse.

    If you activate plugins and the problem does return, focus on that group of plugins. Deactivate half of them and check for the problem. Does it occur? Yes? No? And so on until you find the culprit.

    If none of this solves the issue, kick your theme over to Kubrick (though I doubt this is a theme related issue since the error is in wp-admin but for due diligence, follow through and check it out).

    I am 99.999% sure you will find the culprit.

    Be methodical. Provide detailed info on how to reproduce.

    And for God’s sake, smoke a cigarette or drink a beer and everyone cool the tempers.


    Could it be the wpLicense plugin, I’ve turned that off and things seem to be working.

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