• Im trying to add bulk sale prices to variable products that have different prices.

    Im selecting – Decrease existing sale price by (fixed amount or %)
    Then entering 50% in the field below, then selecting update…. no sale prices seem to show anywhere, ive tried multiple times now and still nothing seems to change

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by gezzamondo.
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  • Hey there, @gezzamondo! Thanks for contacting us. I’m happy to help you.

    To confirm, you already had set up a sales price before following the steps you mentioned, correct?

    If you didn’t, please note that this option will only work if a sale price is already set.

    If you did, can you please share more information about the issue?

    As I understand just nothing happens, correct? You don’t get any error messages?

    Have you tried on several products and had the same issue, or only one product?

    Have you tried different browsers and internet connections?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thread Starter gezzamondo



    I posted in the wrong option i was using… im actually using Set to regular price decreased by (fixed amount or %)

    Yes i have have set the price of the item including variations but when i try to mark it down by 50% the sale price doesnt show

    Ive just duplicated the product and made it a simple product and the sale price shows fine.

    There seems to be an issue with variable products not knowing they need to be set to sale prices

    This how the page looks

    These are screenhots of WooCommerce



    • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by gezzamondo.

    Hey, @gezzamondo!

    Thank you for the clarification.

    The bulk editing for this on the Products page on the dashboard does not work on variable products.

    We actually have a GitHub report on this. If you want to get updates on it you can follow it here.

    For now, I suggest using the bulk editing within the product itself, which does work.

    I hope this was clarifying. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help or if you have any questions.

    Have a wonderful day!

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