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  • Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Hello @devksec,

    Thanks for reaching out. The image in the post you linked to is no longer available. Could you please re-share so we can understand the problem?

    Thread Starter dev



    I can send one via email but the issue is the trainer pages page title showing as ”?Blog – (Name of Website).” . There’s no way to resolve this within yoast or change them either.

    Thread Starter dev


    This affects all profile pages, not just trainers but also students.

    Here is some code as a workaround but there are a few things to note:

    1. I’ve not been able to override the yoast og:description with the profile biography
    2. the cover photo is the featured image, else there it uses the profile image

    // Override the Yoast SEO Open Graph title for Tutor LMS profile pages
    add_filter(‘wpseo_opengraph_title’, ‘custom_tutor_lms_og_title’, 99);
    function custom_tutor_lms_og_title($title) {
    if (is_tutor_profile_page()) {
    $user = get_current_profile_user();
    if ($user) {
    $profile_name = $user->display_name;
    $site_name = get_bloginfo(‘name’);
    return $profile_name . ‘ – ‘ . $site_name;
    return $title;

    // Override the Yoast SEO Open Graph URL for Tutor LMS profile pages
    add_filter(‘wpseo_opengraph_url’, ‘custom_tutor_lms_og_url’, 99);
    function custom_tutor_lms_og_url($url) {
    if (is_tutor_profile_page()) {
    $user = get_current_profile_user();
    if ($user) {
    return home_url(‘/profile/’ . $user->user_nicename . ‘/’);
    return $url;

    // Override the Yoast SEO Open Graph image for Tutor LMS profile pages
    add_filter(‘wpseo_opengraph_image’, ‘custom_tutor_lms_og_image’, 99);
    function custom_tutor_lms_og_image($image) {
    if (is_tutor_profile_page()) {
    $cover_photo = get_tutor_profile_cover_photo();
    if ($cover_photo) {
    return $cover_photo;
    } else {
    $profile_photo = get_tutor_profile_photo();
    if ($profile_photo) {
    return $profile_photo;
    return $image;

    // Helper function to check if we are on a Tutor LMS profile page
    function is_tutor_profile_page() {
    return (strpos($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], ‘/profile/’) !== false);

    // Helper function to get the current profile user based on the URL
    function get_current_profile_user() {
    $profile_slug = trim(parse_url($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], PHP_URL_PATH), ‘/’);
    $profile_parts = explode(‘/’, $profile_slug);

    if (count($profile_parts) > 1 && $profile_parts[0] === 'profile') {
        return get_user_by('slug', $profile_parts[1]);
    return null;


    // Helper function to get the Tutor LMS profile cover photo URL
    function get_tutor_profile_cover_photo() {
    $user = get_current_profile_user();
    if ($user) {
    $cover_photo = get_user_meta($user->ID, ‘_tutor_cover_photo’, true);
    if (is_numeric($cover_photo)) {
    // If the cover photo is a media ID, get the actual URL
    $cover_photo_url = wp_get_attachment_url($cover_photo);
    if ($cover_photo_url) {
    return esc_url($cover_photo_url);
    } elseif ($cover_photo) {
    // If it’s already a URL
    return esc_url($cover_photo);
    return null;

    // Helper function to get the Tutor LMS profile photo URL (as a fallback if cover photo is not set)
    function get_tutor_profile_photo() {
    $user = get_current_profile_user();
    if ($user) {
    $profile_photo = get_user_meta($user->ID, ‘_tutor_profile_photo’, true);
    if (is_numeric($profile_photo)) {
    // If the profile photo is a media ID, get the actual URL
    $profile_photo_url = wp_get_attachment_url($profile_photo);
    if ($profile_photo_url) {
    return esc_url($profile_photo_url);
    } elseif ($profile_photo) {
    // If it’s already a URL
    return esc_url($profile_photo);
    // Fallback to WordPress avatar if no profile photo is set
    return get_avatar_url($user->ID);
    return null;

    here is part of the bio code which was not working

    $bio = get_tutor_profile_biography(); if ($bio) { echo ‘<meta property=”og:description” content=”‘ . esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags($bio)) . ‘”>’ . PHP_EOL; } else {

    Thread Starter dev


    Is there any update to when this will be fixed? YoastSEO has support for TutorLMS but it seems these pages have been missed off the integration.

    Thread Starter dev


    Any update?

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    We’d have to investigate further on this as it could be something specific to your setup, but we are unable to do so over these public forums. You might want to consider Yoast SEO Premium for personal premium

    Thread Starter dev



    we have premium. This issue is due to a lack of compatibility as Yoast seems to have not included all of the correct features.

    other tutor LMS members are reporting it

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