This affects all profile pages, not just trainers but also students.
Here is some code as a workaround but there are a few things to note:
- I’ve not been able to override the yoast og:description with the profile biography
- the cover photo is the featured image, else there it uses the profile image
// Override the Yoast SEO Open Graph title for Tutor LMS profile pages
add_filter(‘wpseo_opengraph_title’, ‘custom_tutor_lms_og_title’, 99);
function custom_tutor_lms_og_title($title) {
if (is_tutor_profile_page()) {
$user = get_current_profile_user();
if ($user) {
$profile_name = $user->display_name;
$site_name = get_bloginfo(‘name’);
return $profile_name . ‘ – ‘ . $site_name;
return $title;
// Override the Yoast SEO Open Graph URL for Tutor LMS profile pages
add_filter(‘wpseo_opengraph_url’, ‘custom_tutor_lms_og_url’, 99);
function custom_tutor_lms_og_url($url) {
if (is_tutor_profile_page()) {
$user = get_current_profile_user();
if ($user) {
return home_url(‘/profile/’ . $user->user_nicename . ‘/’);
return $url;
// Override the Yoast SEO Open Graph image for Tutor LMS profile pages
add_filter(‘wpseo_opengraph_image’, ‘custom_tutor_lms_og_image’, 99);
function custom_tutor_lms_og_image($image) {
if (is_tutor_profile_page()) {
$cover_photo = get_tutor_profile_cover_photo();
if ($cover_photo) {
return $cover_photo;
} else {
$profile_photo = get_tutor_profile_photo();
if ($profile_photo) {
return $profile_photo;
return $image;
// Helper function to check if we are on a Tutor LMS profile page
function is_tutor_profile_page() {
return (strpos($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], ‘/profile/’) !== false);
// Helper function to get the current profile user based on the URL
function get_current_profile_user() {
$profile_slug = trim(parse_url($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], PHP_URL_PATH), ‘/’);
$profile_parts = explode(‘/’, $profile_slug);
if (count($profile_parts) > 1 && $profile_parts[0] === 'profile') {
return get_user_by('slug', $profile_parts[1]);
return null;
// Helper function to get the Tutor LMS profile cover photo URL
function get_tutor_profile_cover_photo() {
$user = get_current_profile_user();
if ($user) {
$cover_photo = get_user_meta($user->ID, ‘_tutor_cover_photo’, true);
if (is_numeric($cover_photo)) {
// If the cover photo is a media ID, get the actual URL
$cover_photo_url = wp_get_attachment_url($cover_photo);
if ($cover_photo_url) {
return esc_url($cover_photo_url);
} elseif ($cover_photo) {
// If it’s already a URL
return esc_url($cover_photo);
return null;
// Helper function to get the Tutor LMS profile photo URL (as a fallback if cover photo is not set)
function get_tutor_profile_photo() {
$user = get_current_profile_user();
if ($user) {
$profile_photo = get_user_meta($user->ID, ‘_tutor_profile_photo’, true);
if (is_numeric($profile_photo)) {
// If the profile photo is a media ID, get the actual URL
$profile_photo_url = wp_get_attachment_url($profile_photo);
if ($profile_photo_url) {
return esc_url($profile_photo_url);
} elseif ($profile_photo) {
// If it’s already a URL
return esc_url($profile_photo);
// Fallback to WordPress avatar if no profile photo is set
return get_avatar_url($user->ID);
return null;
here is part of the bio code which was not working
$bio = get_tutor_profile_biography(); if ($bio) { echo ‘<meta property=”og:description” content=”‘ . esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags($bio)) . ‘”>’ . PHP_EOL; } else {