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  • kejabe


    Only plain English letters in the username.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    And definitely the latest version?

    Is it pulling the same tweets as the more complex shortcode that worked properly (incl. same retweet and reply settings)? If so, I can’t quite see how this would be happening!




    Hi Martin.

    Yes, I’m using Version 1.7.18 with exactly the same settings for the simple and complex shortcodes.

    If I use the simple version, the tweets pulled are from last month but report as fairly recent in the display.

    If I use the complex version, the tweets are accurate.

    I wondered if it was because I was using the shortcode within another shortcode used by my page builder but I’ve tried it on its own and I get the same results.

    I even tried both the simple and complex together so the results should be identical but they exhibit the same behaviour with the simple shortcode pulling older tweets and the complex shortcode pulling correct tweets.


    I’m having this exact same issue and it appears that it’s due to the show_meta_via=’0′ property of the shortcode. Without that, everything works fine. When I add that in, the tweets that it pulls are out of date.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    I think there’s a problem with caching of Tweets. I will look into a way of clearing the ones that appear not to be expiring.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    The development version should solve this now.

    Works! Thank you.

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