• I want to change the font in the header and sub-header (currently it is boring Arial). I am not sure of the location to make this change in this particular theme. Can anyone point me to it?

    The site is https://www.laurazera.com.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • You can change it in the style.css .

    Thread Starter lzera


    I have looked in the style.css but couldn’t tell which part of it was related to the Arial font in the header. Any chance you can be more specific?

    Thank you.

    In the style.css ,If you are using twenty eleven theme you will find a comment statement Header .
    #site-title {
    margin-right: 270px;
    padding: 3.65625em 0 0;
    #site-title a {
    color: #111;
    font:30px “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

    font-weight: bold;
    line-height: 36px;
    text-decoration: none;
    The code which is in bold is the place you have to insert your required font names. Use only installed fonts.

    Thread Starter lzera



    We’re getting closer, but I still didn’t achieve what I wanted. I pasted this:
    font:30px “Bookman Old Style”;

    What it did was just make the header to appear in the same font, but smaller. Also, it doesn’t change the sub-header.

    Hi lzera,
    Infact, font is being inherited by body from line 316:

    Please, paste this code after line 518 in style.css:
    font:30px "Bookman Old Style" !important;
    Hope, it will resolve your issue.


    #site-title a {
    	color: #111;
    	font-size: 30px;
    	font-weight: bold;
    	line-height: 36px;
    	text-decoration: none;
    	font:30px "Bookman Old Style" !important;

    Thread Starter lzera


    Okay, excellent, that helped me change the main title font. Do you happen to know where the code is in this theme’s stylesheet for the sub-heading (the part that currently says “Stories to Connect Cultures” on my site)?

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! ??



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    It’s #site-description but again it is inherited, so add this. I’ve included a couple of serif fonts in the stack so that if a visitor’s computer does not have Bookman Old Style, it will still display a serif style font instead of dropping back to Arial. I suggest adding the other two fonts to #site-title a as well.

    #site-description {
    font-family: "Bookman Old Style", "Times New Roman", serif !important;
    font-size: 15px;
    font-weight: 300;
    line-height: 1.625em;

    :-), sounds good… you are always welcome, lzera.
    I updated that post, please, find your solution there.


    Do not edit the Twenty Eleven theme. It is the default WordPress theme and having access to an unedited version of the theme is vital when dealing with a range of site issues. Create a child theme for your changes. Once your child theme is active, we should be able to help with the customisation.

    Thread Starter lzera


    Hey thanks everybody for the last three posts. With the holidays, I haven’t been able to try out your advice but will do so in the next few days. I appreciate it.

    Thread Starter lzera


    Hi Esmi,

    I read the post on Child Themes and followed the instructions for creating a new folder and putting a style.css file in it.

    I tried two style sheet files; the first one had just this:
    Theme Name: Twentyeleven Child
    Description: Child theme for the twentyeleven theme
    Author: Your name here
    Template: twentyeleven

    @import url(“../twentyeleven/style.css”);

    Then I tried it again with the bottom piece of code for changing the color of the header, just so that I was copying exactly what was provided in the example of the Child Themes article. However, both times, I get this error in WordPress when I go to activate the child theme:

    Broken Themes
    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
    Name Description
    twentyeleven-child Stylesheet is missing.

    Do you have any idea where I might be going wrong?
    Just a note: I’m not a developer, just a newbie who is trying to learn the basics.


    Hi Laura,

    Please, checkout this link

    Thread Starter lzera


    Hi, thanks for the updated info on my post. I will check it out very soon.




    thanks for this thread! I’ve made the Header Title smaller by following what’s on here, but I’d also very much like to make the post/page titles smaller.

    Would this be where I could make the change?

    .entry-title {
    clear: both;
    color: #222;
    font-size: 26px;
    font-weight: bold;
    line-height: 1.5em;
    padding-bottom: .3em;
    padding-top: 15px;

    from 26px down to say 15px?

    With thanks.

    Hi, I need help on fonts an twenty twelve theme as well:

    I would love to make the hyperlinks in the sidebar/widget area a regular font not bold.

    Can anybody please point me to the place, were I can change that?

    Thanks a million!

    my blog: https://blog.kunstgriff.net

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