Twenty Twelve 1.2 Release Notes?
Can any one point me to the release notes for 1.2 or a list of the applied changes?
Updating from 1.1 has caused some minor, but unexpected presentation changes on one of my child themes, and I’d like to know what else has changed and what to test for before I upgrade further sites.
I’ve spent an hour or so Googling, and there is no ‘change log’ tab here:
I think you can find it here:
Not very convenient, I agree…Thanks for the link. For anyone else interested, I found the code differences here:
You’ll need to be able to read the php code, and a knowledge of how the Twenty Twelve code is structured to be able to work with the above.
I really expected something more accessible documenting revisions to a theme that has had over 200,000 downloads. I suspect that few WordPress users are going to be able to work out what the changes are from studying the code.
I had a quick crawl through, and spotted what caused the issues I had, but it is going to require a more in-depth trawl to identify what else might be affected by the changes.
What if I dont upgrade the theme?
Also what did this theme edit improved/changed, why it was needed? There is a new theme released, what was the point upgrading this one?
Good question. Without the release notes it is difficult to say what you might be missing out on.
There’s no requirement to update, unless there is a specific bug that you’re getting that the update addresses.
For me the most notable issue that occurred when I tested 1.2 was that the color of my site’s main heading changed. This was with a Child Theme – it should be fine with a straight install.
Of course the heading color can be reset from the Customize or Custom Header options under Appearance -> Themes. However I prefer to override that option to stop people accidentally messing with the design, so I chose to fix it in CSS.
Why did I upgrade? I like to my installs up-to-date as I work with Child Themes on multiple sites. Any new WordPress install will come with the latest version of the theme. So, making sure they work with the latest version saves me having to upload and install an out of date version of the theme. It also protects users from themselves should they just randomly decide to update to the latest version of the theme.
Thank you ??
D’oh! Just saw you question about the theme. Yes there is a new theme -Twenty Thirteen. I’m using it on a private blog just to see how it goes. So far I prefer twenty-twelve, but I’ve not looked into it too closely.
Good to read this thread. I just upgraded this morning to 1.2 and am wishing I hadn’t. I lost the blue of my hyperlinks and am trying to figure out how to get it back (I just posted this problem on a new thread.) Gary, you seem to know a lot about the code and CSS. I’m pretty code-illiterate, but do you think there’s a way to redeem my blue color via CSS? Apologies if this is hijacking the thread! (I welcome any comments at the thread I started on my own question.)
One last Twenty-Twelve question. Is it possible to go back to an older version once you’ve upgraded? Or is that a bad idea anyway?
You can go back to 1.1 if you have a copy. I’ve not searched to find one (note to self. keep a copy in future). And yes on the CSS – I see your link problem is already resolved.
Yes – it was a highly successful day at the forum. Thanks for your help/comments, here!
I’m running a twenty twelve installation customized via child theme. Luckily the whole thing is under version control (you should too) so I can easily rollback but the release notes seem to me:
– removed title attribute from most heading permalinks
– the post thumbnail is now displayed by default in the entry header except when on front page
– fixed images selector for editor stylesheet (probably 3.6 related)
– added support for language subsets ‘greek’, ‘cyrillic’, ‘vietnamese’ of Open Sans font
– loads Open Sans font into tinyMCE editor
– some minor CSS optimizations mainly to avoid overly specific rules (should make it easier for us to overwrite the theme)
– added support to change the header textcolor via theme customizer
– some minor JS optimizations
– updated .pot translation file in accord to changes aboveThe most impactful change to me seems to be that post thumbnails are now displayed above the title by default.
I customized my theme to show the post thumbnail as a fullwidth image the header (like twentyeleven used to) so I might want to change that.@jancbeck An excellent summary of the changes – thank you.
It seems that adding things to the theme customizer caused the problems I encountered.
Changing the way the theme handled thumbnails was one of my main changes in several of my child themes. Mainly No thumbnails except on pages showing just excerpts, and generally I changed the thumbnail to be a small fixed size on the left. So the 1.2 changes to thumbnails made no difference to my implementations – though now I have your details of the changes, I’m going to go back and check for problems with some of the more obscure archive views I may not specifically have catered for.
I too version control my code – but not the entire WP installation. I may have to re-think that strategy. Just keeping a backup of the zip file will probably suffice.
I think with your summary I can close this thread. Once again many thanks.
@gary Allman or jancbeck: Have you considered the 2013-10-25 update? I have yet to find the changes.
Edit: I just found this:
This is 99% comment changes. Fine to approve right away. than in comments, here is what I have found:
## style.css and ie.css new body.attachment .site-content, ## style.css and ie.css old body.single-attachment .site-content, ## header.php new <?php if ( get_header_image() ) : ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>"><img src="<?php header_image(); ?>" class="header-image" width="<?php echo get_custom_header()->width; ?>" height="<?php echo get_custom_header()->height; ?>" alt="" /></a> ## header.php old <?php $header_image = get_header_image(); if ( ! empty( $header_image ) ) : ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>"><img src="<?php echo esc_url( $header_image ); ?>" class="header-image" width="<?php echo get_custom_header()->width; ?>" height="<?php echo get_custom_header()->height; ?>" alt="" /></a> ## author.php new: $author_bio_avatar_size = apply_filters( 'twentytwelve_author_bio_avatar_size', 68 ); echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'user_email' ), $author_bio_avatar_size ); ## author.php old: echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'user_email' ), apply_filters( 'twentytwelve_author_bio_avatar_size', 60 ) );
@leejosepho Excellent summary, thanks. I should have been making notes as I went through the latest code to see if there were more. The header change is one I may transfer over to my child themes – I’ll have to take a closer look.
It would be very nice to have software release documentation that highlighted what theme users need to look out for. I still haven’t had time to go back and undo some of the CSS changes that were made in 1.2.
At least 1.3 doesn’t seem to break anything – though the Yoast SEO plugins threw a few exceptions when I installed the theme update. I need to go back and check the source code output to the browser to ensure they are operating as expected.
though the Yoast SEO plugins threw a few exceptions when I installed the theme update. I need to go back and check the source code output to the browser to ensure they are operating as expected.
FWIW, Yoast plugin has some problems so you may want to check on their forum.
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