• 810311


    I am trying to convert this site https://buildandtest.atspace.cc/ into twentysixteen child theme. It appears that /js/menu.js in my child theme is not working as nothing happens when the ham icon button is clicked (pls.see my site link above to check correct behavior). On inspecting via Google Chrome Inspect I am getting the following errors:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘classList’ of null at mediaqueryresponse (menu.js?ver=5.3.2:19) at menu.js?ver=5.3.2:10 at menu.js?ver=5.3.2:31 mediaqueryresponse @ menu.js?ver=5.3.2:19 (anonymous) @ menu.js?ver=5.3.2:10 (anonymous) @ menu.js?ver=5.3.2:31

    Any advice is appreciated

    header.php in child theme

    <header class="header" id='myTopnav'>
                      'theme_location'=> 'topnav',
                      'container' => 'nav',
                      'menu_class' => 'topnav',
                      'menu_id'    => 'myTopnav',
    <button class="ham-icon"><span class="fa fa-bars fa-2x"></span></button>

    /js/menu.js in child theme

    (function () {
      var mql = window.matchMedia("screen and (max-width: 960px)");
      //detect media query
      var navTop = document.querySelector(".header");
      //return first element within the document that matches .header
      var toggle = document.querySelector(".ham-icon");
      //ensures that addListener function is executed when the page loads, by default addListener only fires when state of the window changes
      function mediaqueryresponse(mql) {
        if (mql.matches) {
          toggle.addEventListener("click", clickMenu);
          //if media query matches, execute click or clickMenu event
        } else {
          //otherwise remove .responsive
          toggle.removeEventListener("click", clickMenu);
          //and remove EventListener
      function clickMenu() {
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  • Thread Starter 810311


    The above code did work when I used with a theme created from scratch, however, its not working with child theme.

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