Hi againg, the other day we activated the smapsolution’s app free trial as your recommendation, but today we could solved Twitter config, to make back your plugin to work.
The problem is that we could make your plugin to work with once of our websites in which we didn′t activate the smapsolution’s app free trial, in the others that we activated it, it doesn′t work at all, because a new menu appeared in your pluygin called: Manage Authorizations.
We deleted your plugin completly and we don′t have cache plugins installed, but when installing it back, same menu is there and we cannot get it off, so the new twitter config that works in other of our sites, doesn′t work in the once that have that menu: Manage Authorizations.
How could we get that menu off, so we can make our websites to work back and send post to twitter, as the unique variable between websites that work and send posts and the once that do not, it’s that menu at your plugin, after activationg: SMAPsolution.com’s App.
it seems, that we we returned back to own application, it doesn′t change internally and doesn′t recognize we are using our own app.
Thank you for your feedback to solve this.