Found the solution/fix myself. If anyone is trying to fix this bug, add the following code to functions.php (in your child theme):
function replace_twitter_social_icon($icons) {
$icons['twitter'] = '<svg class="ss-svg-icon" fill="#FFFFFF" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 50 50" width="24px" height="24px"><path d="M 5.9199219 6 L 20.582031 27.375 L 6.2304688 44 L 9.4101562 44 L 21.986328 29.421875 L 31.986328 44 L 44 44 L 28.681641 21.669922 L 42.199219 6 L 39.029297 6 L 27.275391 19.617188 L 17.933594 6 L 5.9199219 6 z M 9.7167969 8 L 16.880859 8 L 40.203125 42 L 33.039062 42 L 9.7167969 8 z"/></svg>';
return $icons;
add_filter( 'socialsnap_icons_svg', "replace_twitter_social_icon" );
This will replace the current Twitter (X) logo with a smaller version which solves this issue.