Hi, Unfortunately, these options will not work for me. We don’t sell any products. We selling services. I created a separate PHP page on my website with details about our customers which we already have and use ‘do_shortcode()’ to add the payment button as I put manually the following values: name / price / button_text / description / item_logo / customer_name / customer_email / class (for css). We don’t use any other options which you provide. This work very good for us and I’m very happy with your plugin, but we have to divide the payments to 2 different stripe accounts. We already have two accounts in Stripe and will be very helpful if I can to set two different Publishable and Secret Keys into your plugin and use the plugin from a shortcode only. For example:
do_shortcode( ‘[accept_stripe_payment account=”1 or 2″ name=””‘ . $value . ‘” button_text=”Pay Now” description=”‘ . $array . ‘” item_logo=”” customer_name=”‘ .$myname . ‘” customer_email=”‘ . $email . ‘” class=”myButton stripe-pay-btn”]’ );
How you can see, I use only the shortcode to create the button.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you!