two home pages… which code to delete?
I’m using Headlines Enhanced on WP 3.2 and I’ve created a static home page to replace the most recent blog posts front page.
It’s created, but now I have two home pages. I’ve looked at all the other solutions that have been offered to people. Most of the time, they are told to delete some code from their header.php file.
But, after much searching, I think I have found the piece of code (but it was in my pag-nav.php file. Here is the section of code I’m looking at…
<li class=”page_home<?php if (is_home()) : ?> current_page_item<?php endif; ?>”>” title=”Home”>Home
<?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&depth=4&title_li=&exclude=21,24’.get_option(‘woo_nav_exclude’)); ?>
What part should I delete to get rid of the default home page?
Does anyone know?
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