• Hello,

    I would like to make two separate pages where I can post articles on my WP. However, although I can make new categories and everything I can only post on the main page. A new page only allows me to make 1 post on it, yet I want my new page to be like the main page.

    So basically what I wanna achieve, is having two pages at the top of the screen, and being able to make separate posts on each of them. Is this possible?

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  • No, it is not. Wrong thinking. Pages are not for displaying your posts.

    Use categories instead. And use a plugin to exclude certain categories from showing on the main page. THAT is how it should be done.

    Thread Starter giel


    Could you direct me towards a plugin for that use?

    And basically, when I write something I put it in a certain category, I make that that post doesn’t appear yet can I make it appear on a different page then?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    You don’t need any plugins, that functionality is built into WordPress.

    https://example.com/blog/category/your-category shows only that categories posts.

    Might want to take a look at the documentation:

    This is one of your category “pages” – we call it category archives or category listings:
    https://www.toyohashi.nl/?cat=5 – that’s where your post from “hidden” categories will be displayed.

    Well, the hint was there in my previous post for the plugin:
    exclude categories
    (scroll up > Extend > Plugins etc.)

    Having two different posting pages is pretty simple. I’m not the best at explaining things, but it isn’t very hard at all.

    Now, when you write a post, you get to choose a category to put it under. Lets say you write a post and you want to put it under the category,

    My Category 1,

    Well, if you go to your wordpress website and type in




    depending upon how you have your permalinks setup under the admin setting, (you can also just go to your post page, and normally the post will say something like this: posted under My Category 1.),

    you will see all the posts for that specific category. So every post you write will show up in that category archive.

    So what we want to do now is have that archive page to be the other page for posting post. So just edit the navigation bar in the header.php, and get rid of the php that makes pages show up automatically and do it manually. This isn’t hard if you know what you’re doing. Also, remove the h2 files in the achive.php page just to make the archive page look like a real page, and not an archive page. Normally the h2 tag with read: Archive for My Category 1.

    Now, You have done it. You have two post pages. Your regular post page, and your archive page that is blended in to look just like a regular wordpress post page.

    But we still have every thing that shows up on the My Category 1 page, on your other post page.

    Here’s how to fix that.

    in the main index template (index.php), look for the php code for the post. And right after the loop, which looks something like this:

    if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();

    add this:

    if (in_category('YOUR CATEGORY ID') && is_home() ) continue;
    //This Excludes the specific category from showing up on the main page

    Now, where it says YOUR CATEGORY ID, make that be the id of your category, such as My Category 1. What this code does is excludes the category of your choice from showing up on the main page. The only way I know of to find the category id, is to change the permalink settings temporally to the default setting. Then go yourwebsite and go to the category you want to find the id of, and at the very end of it, it should say something like this:


    the number is the category id. Then you can switch back to your other permalink setting. (I recommend the custom post permalink which is


    Well, now you have two post pages to post on. You can tag a post to as many categories as you like, but if you post it to the category that you wish not to show on the main page, then it will not show up on the main page.

    This may seen like alot of stuff to do, but its not really at all.

    I hope this helps. God Bless! ?

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