• 1- How do you remove the random image in the sidebar?

    2- How do you delete images from the album? (I can do it from the ftp, but NOT from the admin login.) Any ideas?

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  • 1- How do you remove the random image in the sidebar?

    Options > Photopress

    I’m hoping to add some way to delete images *soon*. In the meantime you’ll have to delete them manually – via FTP or however you usually access your site files.

    Well, I deleted the image from the ftp because I couldn’t rename it for some reason, so I figured I’d delete it and upload it with the proper name. Only now there’s an entry for it. It shows up in the photo album with a broken link. Come on! There’s got to be some way to delete it from the database. Tell us please! Uploading a file shouldn’t be a permanent disaster.

    The latest version has a couple of ways to delete images, along with tools to clean up the database table in case things to awry.

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