• I have two issues
    since the last update it seams the printable tickets have gone into a broken state
    the text on the ticket ( that being the text i can edit ) is no longer formatted and overlaps the code square, Also can i make the code square bigger as its very small when printed out?

    second is if possible to have a user input there details when paying and then those details referance to that ticket so it shows there details when scanned ? and better still have their name printed on ticket as well?

    whatever the answers here i need to resolve as far as capturing details go it seams the ordering will ask for details if shipping/post is activated but not when its just a printable ticket, this seams strange for this not to be the case as surely we need to have peoples details in case of a query on validating a ticket at the gate.

    Thanks for any help

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  • Thread Starter nice111


    My Bad, just needed to add html into editable page for the text issue so that is solved

    still cant work out how to make the QR code bigger though or how to have sales get purchasers details without switching on postage but i do not want to do it that way because when that it is on it specifically tells the buyer to enter “shipping” details which is not suitable for printable tickets

    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    Have you tried enabling the option to always collect the purchaser’s address?

    Thread Starter nice111


    Hi Jo
    i think you mean

    Always collect shipping address

    but thats the problem
    the tickets are not for posting out to them, they have to print them off from email

    if i enable “Always collect shipping address ” the user form then asks for their “shipping” address which of course makes it look like i will send them by post

    instead of saying “shipping” it would be better left open format so it would suit for both scenarious but for now i need to know a way to change it please ?

    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    You can technically always change any piece of text that’s translatable using filters. You’d use the filter ‘gettext’, which you could use to return any text you want as an alternate to the original text:


    Right now, however, there’s no method built into the plug-in to change that label.

    Thread Starter nice111


    Thanks for that
    any ideas on how to make i can resize the QR code produced ont he ticket as its still too small i think leaving too much white space on the right side of ticket and i can see that by making it bigger will help fill this and make it easier for the scanner to pick up, i think having it bigger would also lessen the chance of being misprinted if users printer is not the best

    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    You can modify the entirety of the ticket layout using CSS in a custom template. The QR code isn’t a fixed size; it’s completely adjustable.

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