• Can you please tell me how to make changes to the menu font color?

    And also, I like how in the demo there is one main section with two smaller sections underneath it. How can I make my site do that? Is that a widget function??

    Thank you.

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  • Good Guy


    What exactly are you taking about? Have you got a link and the theme name of your site? This is always the first thing we need here to get started.

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter fjessop514



    The menu font is red and we want it to be a different color (as well as the radio button arrows).

    the theme demo shows in the main body one post that is as wide as the page, and then two under it. I can’t figure out how to get the two under it.

    Good Guy


    First thing first. Try this code on your child theme:

    #menu ul li {
    	color: blue;
    #menu ul li a {
    	color: darkorange;

    Then change the color “blue” and “darkorange” to your desired colors.

    Update the file and post back with another question.

    Thread Starter fjessop514


    So I put that code in the Custom CSS box. Was that right? It didn’t change anything. The menu links are still red. Am I supposed to put the code somewhere else?

    Good Guy


    So I put that code in the Custom CSS box. Was that right? It didn't change anything. The menu links are still red. Am I supposed to put the code somewhere else?

    No you need to enter the code in your CSS file. To get this file go to your Dashboard then:

    Appearance >> Editor

    Then paste the code I provided above. At present you don’t have that code in your CSS file

    Good luck.

    Przesuwaj?cy si? napis mo?esz uzyska? za pomoc? kodu:
    <MARQUEE loop=INFINITE scrollAmount=4 scrollDelay=1><FONT
    color=#6a99e0 size=7 face=”Monotype Corsiva”>Jaki? napis </FONT></MARQUEE>
    Oczywi?cie te parametry mo?na zmienia?.

    Thread Starter fjessop514


    I appreciate your help, thank you. I don’t know enough about css to be able to change anything. I have tried pasting that code in various facets of the editor but it doesn’t change the color of the links at all. Most websites I have built use html which I can just barely get around in, but at least I can find the colors and change them. I can’t seem to do that here. Thanks again.

    Good Guy


    May I suggest that you better start working with child themes so that changes are easier to make and to help you here. child Themes doc is here:


    When you have read the document, you should download the plugin that will create the child theme for you automatically:


    There is no point in working with codes if you don’t understand what you are doing because codes can destroy your site completely if misused and pasted in the wrong place.

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