• Resolved mwgore


    The plugin website states that shortcodes are available for adding login widgets, but I can’t find any documentation of what the shortcodes are. Can you help?

    Also – the site I’m working on will have a master login and password provided to all ‘members’, so I need to remove the ‘forgot password’ and ‘join us’ options/links from the login form. Can you tell me how to do this as well?

    Thanks so much!


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  • Thread Starter mwgore


    My shortcode suddenly started working — who knew…

    I still need help with removing those two links from the login pane.

    Thank you!!

    Plugin Author wp.insider


    Thread Starter mwgore


    That’s not really what I’m looking for. I’m only putting the login widget in the side bar and association members will use it to access members only content. I want that login widget to only have the login functionality – the password recovery link and ‘join us’ link would only be confusing to these users. The ‘member login’ page only has a short code on it and is not editable. Can you point me to the file that generates these links and tell me how to delete them?

    For getting rid of the password recovery and join us link, look under the plugin directory simple-membership/views/login.php. You can remove the second to last and third to last <tr> elements that hold the links for ‘Forgot Password’ and ‘Join Us’

    I have the same problem. I need to remove the “Please Login. Not a Member? Join Us” When accessing a page with no privelages.

    I removed
    You can remove the second to last and third to last <tr> elements that hold the link and ‘Join Us’ from the plugin directory simple-membership/views/login.php.

    It still shows up.

    Can any please help in getting rid of this?

    I’m having the same problem as oregonworld. I’ve removed the “Join us” on the login page, but any time a protected page pops up it give non-members an option to join which I don’t want them to have.

    Anyone out there have any advice on removing the JOIN US link from all pages?



    Ok, I removed the second to last <tr> elements and it removed the join us? and link. My question is how do I make this change so that when I update the plugin it doesn’t get over written?

    I am using a child theme. Is it possible to make this change in the child theme somehow?

    I’m fairly novice at wordpress.


    Well the above fixed the issue for the Login page. Now I get the Not a amember? Join us when you try to access content and aren’t logged in.

    Ugh! I can’t find where this code is in what .php?
    Can anyone tell me where this live?

    <body class=”page page-id-365 page-template-default logged-in admin-bar customize-support” itemtype=”https://schema.org/WebPage&#8221; itemscope=””>
    <header class=”tc-header clearfix row-fluid” role=”banner”>
    <div id=”main-wrapper” class=”container”>
    <div class=”container” role=”main”>
    <div class=”row column-content-wrapper”>
    <div id=”content” class=”span9 article-container”>
    <article id=”page-365″ class=”post-365 page type-page status-publish hentry row-fluid”>
    <header class=”entry-header”>
    <div class=”entry-content”>
    You need to login to view this content. Please
    . Not a Member?
    Join Us

    Just an FYI, I personally gave up on looking for this. My site has a page about how to apply for membership, so I just turned the “Join Us” page into a duplicate of that. At least now the link goes somewhere meaningful. I don’t know if that strategy might work for you.

    Also, probably no one notices this thread anymore. You’d be better off to start an all new question so someone will see it (I think I did that though at the same time as I first posted on this one… the developer might have gotten too busy for us!).

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