• Resolved sonic1243


    “Shipping zones are not set up correctly. WooCommerce will find the first matching shipping zone and skip the rest. So if you have two shipping zones for same regions, this might cause the issue.”

    Hi .. how to get around this problem?
    I have two shipping zones, both UK, one is limited by a list of post-codes.
    It is indeed doing “skip the rest”, so if a customer matches the first zone it only looks for postage methods in that first zone.

    Is there some way of getting around this without having to list every OTHER post code in the country? So having two zones; one being local post-codes, and the other being all the remaining post-codes in the country? Is that a solution? Thanks

    So I’d have to get a list of all the post codes in the country, then subtract the local post codes from that list; in order to create a list of non local post codes?!

    Zone 1: Local Post Codes
    Zone 2: Non Local Post Codes

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  • Thread Starter sonic1243


    Its ok I’ve solved it! But can’t delete this thread.
    Had to create two postage methods within the post-code limited zone.

    Plugin Author WP Trio


    Glad to hear you got it solved!

    For others, you can have two zones, one for local postcodes and other for the whole country. However, as WooCommerce finds the first matching zone, you will need duplicate shipping methods in the two zones in order for it to work. That’s all.

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