• Hi there,

    We’ve had a rather odd situation take place. We’ve got 2x websites – one is at maindomain.com and the other is courses.maindomain.com. Both have WP Remote Users Sync set-up and it’s been working wonderfully – whenever someone makes a purchase for a course/workshop on maindomain.com, they automatically get set-up as a user on courses.maindomain.com with the same email address and password.

    We’ve recently encountered an issue and aren’t even sure if it’s due to a setting in WP Remote Users Sync or something else altogether. We’ve got an admin user on our site, let’s call her Sally Admin. And then we’ve had a user with a Subscriber role only, also called Sally (but different last name – let’s call her Sally Sub). Sally Admin was the first user on this website. Sally Sub became a user back in February this year. However a few days ago, Sally Sub suddenly became an admin user and took over Sally Admin’s account. At the same time she still had her original account. We were able to get in and delete this new admin account created.

    Sally Admin’s username on the websites is just sally. It is possible that Sally Sub tried to change her username to sally? I’ve used the “View As” featured to access the sites as Sally Sub to see if there’s any place she could change her username but I can’t find anything nor am I sure if this is even the issue in the first place?

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