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  • Plugin Author Frederik Rosendahl-Kaa


    Hi @minagonzalez, sorry for the very late reply.

    But do you have the opportunity to give me a little more information?
    Possibly with some screenshots, since I’m not quite sure how to create this error.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter minagonzalez


    Hi !!! How can I send a screenshot? This is the thing:

    When I want to show a taxonomy in my post, the post shows me this message
    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /mnt/oldhom/aprende1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/acf-vc-integrator/inc/acf_vc_helper.php on line 567
    Ha habido un error crítico en tu web.

    I have a form where people select the taxonomy (is a school list), then I need to show that school in my post. What can I do?

    Plugin Author Frederik Rosendahl-Kaa


    Hi @minagonzalez,

    Right now you don’t need to send the screenshot because you sent the error you get then I have something I can go for.

    But I’m going to Take a look at it as soon as possible, and I’ll be back as soon as I know something more.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter minagonzalez


    Thank you very much!! I really need this to work.
    Hope you can fix it ??

    Thread Starter minagonzalez


    Hi, any news?

    Plugin Author Frederik Rosendahl-Kaa



    Have only had a look at it today as my full time job and some family have taken some time this week.

    But I’ve done some different tests, but I haven’t been able to recreate the error.
    Therefore, I have some questions I hope you can answer and which I hope could help me recreate the error.

    1. Is it a custom post?
    2. Is it a custom taxonomy?

    If it is one of the 2 or both.
    Do you then have the opportunity to give me information on how these are set up so that I could possibly recreate them on my test environment.

    And the last question.
    What version do you use of WordPress, WPBakery Page Builder.
    And if you have used a plugin to set up custom post / taxonomy what version and name of the plugin.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter minagonzalez


    Hi! Thank you very much for the help, hope when can fix it ??

    1. Is it a custom post? no
    2. Is it a custom taxonomy?yes

    If it is one of the 2 or both.
    Do you then have the opportunity to give me information on how these are set up so that I could possibly recreate them on my test environment.

    Yes, there are 7 custom taxonomies, this are the settings I used for them:

    name: sanjuan
    label: San Juan
    singular_label: San Juan
    description: “”
    public: true
    publicly_queryable: true
    hierarchical: false
    show_ui: true
    show_in_menu: true
    show_in_nav_menus: true
    query_var: true
    query_var_slug: “”
    rewrite: true
    rewrite_slug: “”
    rewrite_withfront: true
    rewrite_hierarchical: false
    show_admin_column: false
    show_in_rest: true
    show_in_quick_edit: “”
    rest_base: “”
    rest_controller_class: “”
    meta_box_cb: “”

    And the last question.
    What version do you use of WordPress, WPBakery Page Builder. WordPress: 5.4.1, WPBakery: 6.0.5
    And if you have used a plugin to set up custom post / taxonomy what version and name of the plugin. Yes, CPT UI: 1.7.4

    If it helps, I could create a test user for you on my site, let me know if there is anything I can do to help solving this, the client is pushing me because I can’t show the schools on my posts after submiting the form.

    Thanks again!!

    Plugin Author Frederik Rosendahl-Kaa


    Hi @minagonzalez,
    A new version ( 1.8.2 ) of the plugin should be available.
    Which includes a fix for your error.
    If you are experiencing other errors to write finally then I can get them fixed.

    Best regards

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