Hi @mc_deimon
Intentionally we make new content publishment restricted to post and pages, simply because there are the two main elements coming from a clear install, probably you will think, why?
When we build this feature, we have in mind other integrations like WooCommerce
On a standard blog, probably your authors are blog post writers, but on WooCommerce, your auhtors are vendors, for that we want a separate handler for content creation, because is not the same a blog post than a store product
Anyway, there is a snippet to add support for any CPT (Custom Post Type) you want:
// Example of register a CPT creation and deletion as events
function my_prefix_activity_triggers( $triggers ) {
$my_prefix_post_type = 'custom-post-type';
$post_type = get_post_type_object( $my_prefix_post_type );
$triggers[__( 'My CPT Events', 'gamipress' )] = array(
"gamipress_publish_{$my_prefix_post_type}" => sprintf( __( 'Publish a new %s', 'gamipress' ), $post_type->labels->singular_name ),
"gamipress_delete_{$my_prefix_post_type}" => sprintf( __( 'Delete a %s', 'gamipress' ), $post_type->labels->singular_name ),
return $triggers;
Just replace the value of ‘custom-post-type’ by the CPT you want (for example ads)
Best regards