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  • Yeah, Typepad is pretty sweet for people who want to get blogging and have a good-looking page with the minimum of fuss, but not much there for those of us who like to get our hands dirty ??

    I read that as “with a minimum of fun” the first time. Can’t have fun quite like when you get a little dirty in the process.

    There’s nothing Typepad does that isn’t possible with WordPress, we just need to make it easier and more accesible. As the hosting services that will install and upgrade WordPress become more popular the installation barrier to entry (what’s FTP? what’s a database? these are very valid questions) will become less of an issue.
    As for the templates, they look great, can’t fault Dave for following the money there.
    No one is standing still, and neither are we. I study all the weblog systems out there pretty religiously and I try to take the best back into WP.

    I have to admit also that I have been tempted to switch back to MT, especially now that the new version gives you more PHP. At this moment it’s defenitely more userfriendly. I mis the simple image-uploading/popuplinking everyday (although PerS is now looking at getting his plugin to work for me), and the WP interface could be done much better I think (perhaps I’ll make a layoutproposal for this someday :)).
    Also I think that too much people (including myself) are sometimes too busy with tweaking their sites, both technically ??nd by restyling their sites continously, when in the end it just comes down to good or interesting content. With TypePad there is only the content, and that’s good.
    But MT did not do a few things I searched for (like PHP, at least not for their indexfiles), and it’s not opensource. And I’m a strong believer in opensource software. So for now I’m sticking with WP, because it will get better and better.
    If there would only be a photoalbum that I like…

    I realize this is an old thread, but have any of you guys heard of a new blogging software coming out? I can’t remember the name of it, else I wouldn’t be posting here. I ran across it maybe a month ago, but was uninterested at the time.

    By now, though, I’ve been going manual for about six months and am getting pretty tired of the tediousness of updating EVERY sidebar and EVERY header and EVERY link; it’s just too much trouble. With a dynamic site all of that happens for you, but I’m preaching to the choir.

    I quit using WordPress simply because I wanted to hack my own code for a while. However, right as I was downloading the latest release of WP, I ran across this new software. Why the thoughts of adultery, you ask? Well, I couldn’t get WP to work! I checked, rechecked, and REchecked, but to no avail. Plus, I had issues with WordPress from the last go-round. I don’t want to use MovableType, and TypePad isn’t my cup of tea, either. Any ideas?

    Thread Starter haasim


    You mean Symphony?

    No, the one I saw wasn’t released when I visited the site. That, and I’m somehow under the impression that it’s going to be open source. But I’m probably going to go back to WP, anyway. I’ve been looking for this software off and on for a week now. It just doesn’t seem worth it. I’m about to try again to get WP to work.

    Thanks for the link, haasim.


    Jonathan, you might be referring to

    No, faxxy, that wasn’t it, either. I don’t know why WP isn’t working for me; every time I run the install script it gives me an error. MySQL is up and running (v. 4.1.13-standard), the user name is correct, the password is correct, the database name is correct, wp-config-sample was re-named wp-config; I can’t figure out what in the world is going on. Last time I had no problems getting it to run. This time, however, it’s like everything is against me in going back to WP. That’s why I considered switching. Although, I’ve heard that other tools are either just as finicky or more so (Read: MT). I think I just need to take some time and think this thing out. I really don’t have a plan for moving forward at this point.


    What error did you get? Are you using cPanel or some kind of other admin interface (plesk, ensim, vdesk?) – if yes, you could try these tutorials:

    Update: Problem with the database fixed. I’ll admit, I made a beginner mistake. In the database name and user name I only put the name I assigned, not what MySQL spit out. For instance, “site_database” and “site_username” is what I should have put, but I put only “database” and “username”. Hey, give me some slack here. It’s been six months since I’ve done this.

    Now the problem I’m having is an internal server error. Everything was going grand, and the 500 popped up out of nowhere. For reference, the URI is

    moshu, I’m using cPanel 10.8.1. The error was the WP error, not a numerated one. I’ve only got one post, so it wouldn’t be that hard to delete the database and create a new one. Would that be worth trying?

    Everything is up and running on the Server Status page, so it’s probably not a problem there.

    I can see it up and running without any errors.

    Although I don’t like to get my hands dirty with any sort of hacking or breaking my head over difficult scripting errors, I still prefer WordPress over anything. I had tried MT long long ago and didn’t like it much especially the templates that it was offering at that time. I like WP but it needs to improve – over other things – the admin interface, get a good photo blogging (call it photo album if you may) feature included within WP & get more free templates similar to BLIX (I love BLIX) ??

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