• I have recently begun the migration from a Typepad blog to a WordPress blog. My typepad URL is https://tadspot.typepad.com – my new WordPress URL is https://www.tadspot.com – I never had the tadspot.com URL point to the typepad blog.

    All of the information that I see around the codex and other sites about updating permalinks talks about editting some file at your old blog location. If I close my typepad account, this won’t work, will it? I want to have my typepad blog up for a couple of months with indications on how to get to my new blog, but I’d really like google search results to point to my new blog (I’ve already imported all the old posts).

    I realize this may just not be possible. Does anyone have any idea on what I should do, or should I just delete the old typepad posts and let google eventually sort it all out. Right now I have 2 blogs with mostly identical content.

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  • My understanding of TypePad is that you’ll need the most expensive type of account to edit any of the permalink stuff. You can change account type at any time, though.

    If you are able to, you’ll need to have an identical permalink structure on both sites. This is easy in WordPress – just set it up so the whole path (other than the domain) is the same under Options – Permalinks.

    Then, assuming there’s a MT/TypePad tag that lets you create a relative permalink, you can insert something like this into your post template:
    <a href="https://www.tadspot.com/<MTTagThatLets YouCreateARelativePermalink />">Post title</a>

    What would be ideal, though, is if the post numbers lined up, because then you could link to tadspot.com/?p=111 (where 111 is the post ID), so the URI format you used wouldn’t matter (since WordPress will always accept ?p=# querystring input).

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