• Pat Garner


    For those times when you need finer access control granularity, when you need to hide/show a section of a page based upon the current user’s group, here is my solution. NOTE: I am not a PHP developer, just a casual user, so there are no doubt improvements that can be made to this.

    I put this in functions.php:

        Allow user group shortcode.
        Usage: [allow_user_group groupname="UAM_Group_Name|etcetera"]<HTML MARKUP>[/allow_user_group]
    add_shortcode('allow_user_group', 'allow_user_group_func');
    function allow_user_group_func($atts, $content = '')
        $result = ''; //  <-- user does not have permission
        extract(shortcode_atts(array('groupname' => ''), $atts));
            global $wpdb;
            $entries = $wpdb->get_results
                    "SELECT groupname FROM {$wpdb->prefix}uam_accessgroups uamag, {$wpdb->prefix}uam_accessgroup_to_object uamagto WHERE uamagto.group_id=uamag.id and uamagto.object_id=%d",
            $parts = explode("|", $groupname);
            foreach($parts as $part)
                foreach($entries as $entry)
                    if(trim($entry->groupname) == trim($part))
                        $result = $content; //  <-- user has permission
        return $result;

    and I put the following into the page itself:

    [allow_user_group groupname="Data_Top_Secret|Biatches_Only|etcetera"]
        You are authorized, biatch!


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  • I used it, but I can’t read it as admin of the site, ?may I change something?

    Thread Starter Pat Garner


    You need to leave a code example. I have no idea what you are talking about “it.”

    Hello, thank you for your shortcode.I have same issue.
    UAM can’t add admin user to any group. If I use this code, admin user can’t see THE CONTENT, because admin is not belong to GROUP_NAME.

    [allow_user_group groupname="GROUP_NAME"]

    Do you have any idea how to show admin THE CONTENT ?


    Thread Starter Pat Garner


    Ohhhh, now I understand miyanke’s post. Y’all’s problems are that you can’t add admin user to a user group. Well you can’t use my shortcode for role, only for user groups. Instead you must use a shortcode that works with roles.

    Google is your friend.


    Than you for quick reply, Pat.
    And thank you for your infromation.

    Sorry for my double post.
    Thanks again!

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