The admin menu preferences are not possible – these are all set on a block level now and can’t be changed while using a template.
For the screen options, this has been moved back to the wp default position. If it is not showing for you then there is an option in the page content block whether it shows or not.
You could however have a custom button to do this if you like. You would need to add a button block to wherever you want the toggle to be and then mount a javascript function to toggle the button:
document.getElementById('idofthebuttonblock').addEventListener('click', function () {
//Get active frame
let frames = document.getElementsByClassName('uip-page-content-frame');
//No frame present so abort
if (!frames[0]) {
//Get screen options element
let screenOptions = frames[0].contentWindow.document.getElementById('screen-options-wrap');
//Screen options panel does not exist
if (!screenOptions) {
//Get screen options container
let screenMeta = frames[0].contentWindow.document.getElementById('screen-meta');
//Check if it is hidden
if (screenOptions.classList.contains('hidden')) {
screenOptions.style.display = 'block';
screenMeta.style.display = 'block';
} else {
screenOptions.style.display = 'none';
screenMeta.style.display = 'none';
Just add the above code to the custom js section of the button block and change the ‘idofthebuttonblock’ to the actual button ID. This is easier with the pro version as there is an option to run JS on click.
There is no way to toggle admin menu from collapsed to full at the moment, not without some custom code and css anyway.