Well if it’s that hard to ascertain my apologies. WordPress is wicked cool and this is something that might help. It may exist already and I could certainly build it in myself. I’m not sure why you insist on the acrid tone though.
For instance:
- <MTCategoryLabel> OR <MTCategoryDescription>
This method does not embed logic in template — not from a programatic or application stand point. This is markup wrapped around some function calls. There is nothing elusive about it, you call a function and it returns the goods, unformatted and not embedded with predetermined markup. What is so difficult to understand here? If the markup was not around the code above, for instance you only call <MTCategories><MTCategoryLabel></MTCategories> then you get a string, unformatted.
It’s up to the function to return data, the template provides structured markup, and the CSS presents the structured markup. There is an application, WordPress, which provides a lot of hooks to a mysql db, provides a template feature to markup the data, and perhaps you want to employ a stylesheet to present that data. Yeah, one could do old school mingling of markup and presentation by embedding font tags and the like but why would one? Why not? Because this is not a clean separation of presentation and markup — just like embedding markup in your functions which call the database is not the cleanest way to proceed.