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  • tracert

    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms *** [73.115.**.**]
    2 5 ms * 5 ms []
    3 6 ms * 5 ms []
    4 8 ms * 8 ms []
    5 21 ms 21 ms 22 ms
    6 29 ms 23 ms 23 ms []
    7 22 ms 22 ms 25 ms []
    8 23 ms 21 ms 27 ms []
    9 21 ms 22 ms 27 ms
    10 23 ms 26 ms 31 ms []
    11 32 ms 30 ms 28 ms []
    12 27 ms 27 ms 27 ms []
    13 28 ms 32 ms 28 ms
    14 28 ms 27 ms 27 ms []
    15 30 ms 29 ms 29 ms []
    Trace complete.

    and thats NOT parked for me. In fact, I just opened the damn thing in IE, a browser I do not use to surf with.

    whoo…. the link IS showing as parked. For me. I’m getting nothing beyond that, and a not found for the utw link. Unless wild blue is having trouble, it’s a bit more than what you’re getting….

    And I’m not at all getting what you show doing a tracert – in fact the first result is “parked”.

    shows it as parked. im guessing the dns is is propogating. Its a normal thing.

    Im not sure what the fucking fuss is about, I’m telling ppl what I see, nothing else. I cant help but feel like im being called a liar though. If the site doesnt work for you it doesnt work for you; it DOES work for me.

    End of story.

    *shrug* No reason to get PO’d – everyone does have different results upon occasion. I tried it in IE btw. Same thing. So I guess you’re on the eastern side of the tz, if it’s propagating then you get it first.

    Regardless, it would be nice if people put up a “back shortly” message like I do when changing hosts/servers etc.

    If that’s what’s going on. And no, I wasn’t calling you or anyone else a liar. Others do that to ME, I don’t go there.

    I sent Christine an email. The .nz registrar shows her domain as active, and using DNS servers that resolve to where YOU ALL see it as parked. Perhaps i am on the tail-end of the propogation, I neither know, or care.

    Its not up for expiration until March, 2007, so im sure it will be back.

    “relax. take a breath.”

    Wise words – perhaps you should heed your own advice, whooami.

    That sort of language, incidentally, on a public forum that any child can access, is both unnecessary and uncouth.


    Looks like my registrar did something flanged… Although I may have inadvertently done something to make my registrar do something flanged d:

    Ho well.

    I’m sure normal service will resume as the internet pixies propogate changes around.

    .. And there she is ??

    Point taken Marty. Any adult that lets their kid surf the net unsupervised has greater issues that that, though, especially given the probability that said “child” can actually find this thread.

    And hey, last I checked it was in the dictionary, besides which:

    I can get it too… just an FYI and a nuzzle to whoo – you’re not alone, chica.

    And a side note: Maybe you should take it down from your site whoo – and let all the people who came here panicking without thanking you suffer without it until it propagates to their tz. Yeesh. Not many would do what you did – and even though I already have it, I thank you for being so generous with your time and bandwidth. ??

    @whooami. Apologies if I sounded somewhat harsh; I think your overreaction evoked one of my own!

    In any event, there’s no need to debate the word’s usage, or etymology. I happen to believe it is hardly ever necessary to use it (or any other, similar “vulgarisms”), and frequent usage by a given individual tends to speak volumes about their grammar, and ability to express themselves.

    But enough! I certainly haven’t pigeon-holed you into that category.

    Could a mod please break that url to the temp page I put up, please? I just realized I really dont want that spidered.

    Thanks a bunch.

    Why sure…. no problem…. I assume you meant the one with your own addy rather than the forum one, right?

    yes, that one, thanks!

    You’re welcome. (And thanks for your defense of sorts, in another direction….)

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