• We’re using Polldaddy to power polls on our site, and have noticed problems editing and deleting polls.

    I’m fairly certain that these are purely UI/UX issues, with the right options just not being exposed at the right times.

    The primary issue is that there’s no way to edit polls that have not received any responses. When hovering over un-voted polls, you’re only given the options to Embed & Link or Preview the poll: https://i.imgur.com/iMRlIAM.png

    Neither of the Embed & Link or Preview options offer a path to editing or deleting.

    Polls with votes, however, also get the Results option, which does include the ability to edit a poll.

    I was able to access the poll editing page directly by grabbing the poll ID from the list table page’s source and dropping it into the edit poll URL (wp-admin/admin.php?page=polls&action=edit-poll&poll=[poll_id_here]), which is why I believe this is really just a UI/UX issue.

    The other issue is that there’s no way to delete a poll… like, at all. The list table’s Actions dropdown includes a “Delete” option (alongside open/close options) but doesn’t actually include checkboxes so you can select polls to manipulate!

    My current plan is to implement a really messy jQuery hack to grab poll IDs and tack “Edit Poll” URLs onto the row hover actions, but I don’t have an idea in place for enabling poll deletion.

    Any ideas?


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  • Thread Starter Chris Van Patten


    So I’m fairly confident I’ve got this figured out, although I still think there are some issues in the way Polldaddy handles this.

    (To be honest though, I’m still getting a grasp on the full problem. I may be misinterpreting things. I could be totally wrong. Mea culpa if so.)

    – Working with a multisite environment.

    – Basically, when I set things up, the user configuring Polldaddy on one of our MS subsites had the ID of 1.

    – But when we built the staging/production environments, our host (the lovely Pagely VPS service) handled it, and created the first user (a superadmin) as part of their process.

    – I didn’t want to use the superadmin user they created (I’m pretty sure it’s intended to be used internally by Pagely’s team), so I left it alone and created new users for our actual users.

    — Key here: I never granted the superadmin user, with the ID of 1, access to each of our multisite subsites, where we’re having the problem. Only the master site (which is empty) and network admin.

    – So when Polldaddy runs the can_edit() check, it gets down to line 5173 where it checks to see if $poll->_owner — which equals 1 — exists on the blog. In our case, it doesn’t, because I never granted the user with ID 1 access to the subsites.

    – So it follows that once I added that superadmin user, the full editing interface would work again…

    – And it did!

    I’m still not sure of the direct cause of this (in the sense that I haven’t dug too deeply to find out where _owner is set or stored) but this is definitely the source of the problem.

    I’ll keep poking around to see what I can find!

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