• I screwed up my wordpress blog.
    My website was working fine, MidwestSole.com. I tried to add a new link to the website and now I’m dead in the water.
    I logged into the midwestsole.com wordpress dashboard, went to settings>general> then changed the link to weknowkicks.com. Now, I can’t access the dashboard and my website theme is also screwed up. I really need to get back into the site, as I have put a lot of hours into it. PLEASE HELP!!!

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  • You need to change the urls back to what they were before. Have a look at this page which has instructions for doing that.

    Don’t be put off by how much info that page has. Read the intro paragraphs, and then look specifically at the section I linked you to: Edit functions.php. It’s just a few steps, but be sure to take it step by step.

    That page has links about ftp if that’s new to you. If you still aren’t sure how to access the file, ask your web host to help you.

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