Unable to access settings page of webstories
I am unable to access the settings page of webs stories.
Error showing – “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”
All other plugins are accessible-
This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
@sathi01 Hi there. Some settings in the Web Stories plugin are restricted to just Admin users. Could you please tell me what role your user account is? The message you are seeing may be a result of user permissions.
Trying to access from admin profile
@sathi01 To confirm, your WordPress User Role is set to Administrator?
If possible, could you share a screenshot or screen recording of the issue you are seeing? You can use services like JumpShare or Recordit to share.
Could you provide your Site Health information? You can share privately if you prefer.
user Role
1- https://prnt.sc/JFy4zyfse9ip
2- https://prnt.sc/uqjLb_FDAaqX
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@sathi01 Thank you for submitting this information. Could you please share a screenshot of your entire window when trying to access the Web Stories Settings? Here is an example: https://imgur.com/a/04dJouE
Here is the screenshot https://prnt.sc/jOU-IeiuIIlg
@sathi01 My apologies for being unclear. I am interested in seeing your WP Admin Menu on the Left-hand side when you go to Stories > Settings, as well as the URL when you see the error message (like in my example screenshot).
stories is not visible in menu section. From plugin once installed the Web stories and activated, this is how it looks – https://prnt.sc/vlNMxaQiThKDAnd on clicking settings from plugin section as shown in the above image I get this error – https://kraftomeet.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=web-story&page=stories-dashboard#/editor-settings
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
@sathi01 Thanks for sharing. If you only have the Web Stories plugin active and deactivate all others on your site do you get the same result?
@sathi01 thanks for confirming. We have had another instance of this which was resolved by resetting their user roles & capabilities using a plugin like https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/reset-roles-and-capabilities/ or https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/members.Pplease could you also try this and temporarily deactivate & activate all plugins once more.
Hi still the same error
@sathi01 Do you have access to another admin account on your site that you can use? If not are you able to create a new admin user from scratch and try logging in with that user. Do you see the Web Stories plugin or is it still the same?
Hi, I have tried accessing from other new admin as well. still the same error
@sathi01 Thanks for checking and for your continued patience while we troubleshoot this issue with you. Could you please confirm if you still experience the issue when reverting back to version 1.20.0 of the plugin. You can get the 1.20.0 zip file from here: https://github.com/GoogleForCreators/web-stories-wp/releases/download/v1.20.0/web-stories.zip
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
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