• WordPress was uploaded and I began the process of uploading plugins. Suddenly I was told I had lost access and I can not get back in. Did I upload too many widgets? That seems strange since this is my third WordPress site that I have built but the first using domain.com as the host.

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  • Hi,

    Try to contact your hosting provider, he can help to point you to the right direction what is wrong.

    I have a similar problem. My browser tells me there’s an error establishing a database connection with my website. The host, GoDaddy, tells me the likely problem is that username and password information in my wp-config.php file is incorrect. But I don’t have a clue about how to fix this.

    I should mention that the website I’m having trouble with is

    Hi sidlevitt,

    You have to find somewhere in cpanel name of your database, username for database and password then check with ftp or browse files from cpanel … – in public_html is file called config.php
    There has to be the same credential for database.

    ????? Thanks for trying, Peter, but still not a clue.

    Peter, even if I understood exactly what to do in my database, I have no access to the website. How do I do anything if I can’t get into it?

    Hi sidleavitt & Mlbettino

    What I think Peter means is, you need to log in to your host control panel, which is the one where you’ve bought hosting, which is completely separate from your actual website. From there, you can access your sites control panel, which is separate to WordPress. This is the control panel you went to when you first created your MySQL database.

    When in your control panel, you need to find the MySQL section, click on it, and view your database list. It should show your database name, and any usernames associated with it. There will be a password too, which I am sure you remember.

    Take note of these details.

    Next, you need to open your FTP client and in your WordPress root directory, there will be a few folders and a bunch of PHP files. You need to find wp-config.php

    Download that file to your desktop, open it up, and find this code

    // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define('DB_NAME', 'Your database name');
    /** MySQL database username */
    define('DB_USER', 'your username');
    /** MySQL database password */
    define('DB_PASSWORD', 'your password');
    /** MySQL hostname */
    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

    This is where you can see what your database name, username, and password is, and the host, which is usually localhost.

    Check to see if these details match the details in the MySQL section of your host control panel.

    Wow, thank you, axiski. Everything is much clearer now, and I think I can make progress from here.

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