• I’m installing wordpress on a site hosted by Site5, using their Fantastico installer. Once the installation is done and I’ve checked the wp-config.php file to make sure the settings are correct, I try to access the site at https://www.summitstudentcamp.org/wp-admin but get the following error:

    Page Not Found

    The page you tried to access does not exist on this server. This page may not exist due to the following reasons:

    You are the owner of this web site and you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information.
    The URL that you have entered in your browser is incorrect. Please re-enter the URL and try again.
    The Link that you clicked on incorrectly points to this page. Please contact the owner of this web site to inform them of this situation.

    Any suggestions?

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  • your blog appears to be installed here:


    and whatever is in the wp-config.php appears to not be right.

    here is your admin:


    I have a similar problem except that I am moving wordpress blog to Host Monster where I installed WordPress with Fantastico as well. I installed into the root directory but and my admin should be https://www.taxresolutionblog.com/wp-admin. But when I use this URL, I am sent back to the taxresolutionblog.wordpress.com address.

    I tried typing in a similar address to the one above substituting my domaind (https://taxresolutionblog.wordpress.com/wordpress/) and I see my blog with the pages and a Not Found Search box, but when I click on a menu items, I am right back in the WordPress-hosted site.

    I believe it might have to do with the Domain setting that includes the domain name, but I cannot find a way to remove this redirect or use of the domain.

    I am afraid I am stuck. Any help from some Word Press Angel?



    I just installed WordPress and cannot access /wp-admin/install.php It comes up as a blank page. My blog is in a folder called blog, so I’m looking here: https://www.mainresource.com/blog/wp-admin/install.php

    My wp-config.php file seems to be ok.

    I should say that this same thing happened when I tried to update my version, so I thought I’d ruined something. I deleted the blog from the site, but kept my local version. Reinstalling didn’t change a thing.

    I am having the same problem as above and have tried re-installing as well. My wp-config.php file looks fine.

    Would this have anything to do with leaving the define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); line as is? Should my local host be something along the lines of “mysql….myhostserver”?

    Any help would be great,


    you are getting sent to your wordpress.com blog because thats where your nameservers point to

    whois taxresolutionblog.com
    [Querying whois.verisign-grs.com]
       Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC.
       Whois Server: whois.godaddy.com
       Referral URL: https://registrar.godaddy.com
       Name Server: NS1.WORDPRESS.COM  <--
       Name Server: NS2.WORDPRESS.COM  <--
       Status: clientDeleteProhibited
       Status: clientRenewProhibited
       Status: clientTransferProhibited
       Status: clientUpdateProhibited
       Updated Date: 06-sep-2007
       Creation Date: 13-sep-2006
       Expiration Date: 13-sep-2009


    I dont see 404 or 403 — I see blank pages. Look in your error logs.


    No it wouldnt, and if you need more help youre going to need to provide more information.

    Great, thanks.


    I’ve filled in the appropriate lines of my wp-config.php file and uploaded it to my blog directory, where all my wordpress files are sitting.

    When I try to run the install script using the URL:
    https://www.seanwbryson.com/blog/wp-admin/install.php, I get a blank browser window, just white, no alert message, without being able to access the administration panel.



    whats in your error logs? white pages mean there was a fatal php error.

    I’m an idiot….i’m looking for my error logs and cannot find.

    I’m on a MAC, looking in Library/logs and I did a search, but am coming up short..where would I fined these…thanks again

    I got it working.

    I downloaded the wordpress files again, regenerated the key phrases in the wp-config.php file and then I changed my Database Administrator password and added the new one to the wp-config file as well.

    Thanks again for taking the time to help out!


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