• Hi All,

    I have 15 blogs that I host with HostGator. When I try to add a new Blog I receive the following error (keep in mind this does not happen everytime but only after I was able to add a site or two)

    Deletion Error: Table ‘sharessa_wrdp1.wp_23_options’ doesn’t exist – The template was not applied. (New Blog Templates – While removing auto-generated settings)

    the 23 would change moving up by 1 number everytime I try to add a new blog/site. Please advise.

    You can also send me an email at [Email address removed] if you have feedback on this issue.

    Orlando & Sharessa Thompson

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  • The template was not applied. (New Blog Templates – While removing auto-generated settings)

    Then it’s an issue with that plugin. Disable it, then try adding a site again.

    the 23 would change moving up by 1 number everytime I try to add a new blog/site. Please advise.

    yes, that’s normal.

    Thread Starter sharessat


    Thanks for the advise I will try it and let you know if it works or not

    I’m not sure if this is the right topic, but I’ll ask away anyway.

    I was able to create sub-directories before installing the domain mapping plugin.

    Once it’s installed, I could then map unique domain names to those directories, BUT I couldn’t create any more new directories.

    Does anyone know why?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Are you saying you can no longer create new BLOGS that happen to be sub-directories, or you cannot create new physical subdirectories?

    After the plug-in is installed, I could create new paths but they’d point to wp-admin/ms-edit.php instead of sub-directories (www.domain.com/sub-directory/)

    Even when I tried deactivating the plugin, I couldn’t go back to where I was before the installation.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I could create new paths

    I don’t know what this means which is why I REALLY need you to answer what I’m asking ??

    Are you saying you cannot create new blogs (i.e. subsites) via the admin side of WP by logging in and making new sites OR are you saying you cannot create new physical folders (i.e. a new folder in your server)?

    If the answer is NEITHER, then I really have no idea what you’re asking.

    Are you trying to map a new domain with a subfolder included? Cuz you can;t do that.

    For example, I created a new site (or path) called “company” under Super Admin.

    So, when I try to visit the site, it should take me to https://www.domain.com/company/ but I see https://www.superadmin.com/wp-admin/ms-edit.php instead.

    In other words, I couldn’t create new blogs inside WP with the plugin installed – nothing to do with creating physical folders on the server.

    Are you trying to create a new blog from the *mapped* domain?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Okay, DON’T call them ‘paths’ please ?? That’s gonna confuse things up cause it’s NOT proper terminology.

    And which domain mapping plugin are you using? There are a … lot.

    Ha, WP calls them “paths” if you haven’t noticed. ??

    I used WP MU Domain Mapping at https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/

    If you know any newer plugin that works better, please let me know!!

    To answer Andrea’s question, my master domain name (super admin) isn’t mapped.

    Many thanks for your help!

    To answer Andrea’s question, my master domain name (super admin) isn’t mapped.

    That’s not exactly what I asked. ??

    You *can’t* map the main domain anyway. I was asking – are you on one of the mapped domains when you try to add a new site.

    Also this:

    https://www.domain.com/company/ but I see https://www.superadmin.com/wp-admin/ms-edit.php

    is confusing. is superadmin.com your main domain?

    1.) Still no to your mapping question. I couldn’t map the new site because it was not set up properly in the first place. That’s why I came here. ??

    2.) You’re right; I meant “superadmin.com” as “domain.com” (the main one). Sorry about this!

    The whole point is that creating new blogs (sites) worked just fine BEFORE I installed the mapping plugin. When it’s installed, I was also able to map some of the sub-directories. Everything worked okay.

    AFTER a while, I wanted to add more sub-directories. I was able to “create” new blogs (sites) under the main domain, BUT because they weren’t directed to the sub-directories like before, I couldn’t map them accordingly.

    Not sure if it’s the plugin issue or there’s something else I need to do from my end.

    Turn off all the plugin. make a new site. Does it work?

    If yes, then a plugin is the issue. turn on JUST domain mapping. make a new test site. does it work? If yes, then it’s not domain mapping.

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