• I have been unable to find the solution to this problem so I am posting it as a bug report here on this forum. If there is a better place to submit this kind of feedback, please enlighten me.

    Problem Description: I am unable to associate my wordpress account with my Facebook account.

    Preconditions: Installation of wordpress on a publicly accessible server with only one user account (the default created when it was installed). A Facebook account created and configured. A Facebook App created, configured (the Debugger in the Facebook plugin doesn’t show any errors), and approved.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Log in to Facebook
    2. Log in to your wordpress installation
    3. Click on Facebook->Social Publisher
    4. Click on link “Add a Facebook account to your WordPress account”
    5. Scroll down to bottom to see Facebook Account heading (note that there are two links displayed: “Associate my WordPress account with my Facebook account” and “Associate my WordPress account with my Facebook account and allow new posts to my Facebook Timeline”)
    6. Click either of the two links that start “Associate my WordPress…”

    Expected Outcome: (not sure but probably some sort of login screen to authenticate against Facebook or maybe a list of connection options and ultimately the two accounts are associated)

    Actual Outcome:
    1. A small window sometimes displays very briefly
    2. The links are replaced momentarily (1 second, roughly) with the text “Please save your edits by submitting the form”
    3. The above text is then replaced by the original links, as if nothing actually happened

    Wordpress: 3.9.1
    Plug-in: 1.5.5
    PHP: 5.3.10
    Server Software: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)
    cURL: 7.22.0
    OpenSSL: 1.0.1
    App ID: 624346840992724

    Thoughts and Questions:
    – Instructions on how to debug this plug-in would encourage other developers to help fix it.
    – All I really want to be able to do is publish notes on my timeline whenever I publish a new blog post. I know there are other plug-ins for this, but I’d like to use the “official” plug-in.


    Ted Stresen-Reuter


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  • Same issue here. Wasting a lot of time on this.

    *Meant WP 3.9.1 in previous post.

    I don′t know if this is useful to anyone, but I just thought that I should mention that social publishing (or publishing at all) to Facebook from WordPress is no problem with apps that I created BEFORE march 2014, but not new apps, even with the exact same settings.

    With new apps, Facebook detects my FBID (or fb_uid) differently – i.e. it detects another ID number associated with my Facebook user automatically. If I test with https://graph.facebook.com/myusername, it displays my correct ID (same as with apps created before march 2014). Facebook states clearly that everyone should upgrade to v.2.0 SDK reference, but this is not present in the official Facebook WordPress plugin (1.5.5). Could this be relevant, or am I barking up the wrong tree here?


    This will be of no help, but just wanted to say I’ve run into the same problem (particularly as @tedmaster describes it).

    I think my big problem is I can’t “Associate my WordPress account with my Facebook account”. When I select either of the “Associate …” links at the bottom of my /wp-admin/profile.php page nothing seems to change. Occasionally I’ll get a pop-up window for a moment or have the chance to login (if I’m not logged in to FB already). However, whatever happens, the links appear again at the bottom of the profile page. Also, on the FB plugin “social publisher” page, I have a red cross/x after point 3. (“Authenticate with Facebook to allow your Facebook application to post to your Timeline or Page on your behalf when a post is published”). So, the long and short of it is I don’t seem to be able to establish an association between my WP site and FB.

    For what it’s worth, I’ve gone through the process of trying to get the publish action reviewed and approved. Like others I get the submission rejected with the following explanation:

    You do not need to request these permissions because your blog or CMS is integrated with an app that you admin. As an App admin, you can already access these permissions and post to your Timeline or a page you admin. You can provide access to additional users by adding them as developers of your App.

    As @jessepearson says, the problems may run deeper than simply establishing the WP-FB association, but for now that is stopping me from trying anything else.

    Same issues here with the modal disappearing and dud links

    A lot of the frustrations in this thread are the classix updated FB API vs outdated docs.

    Re app approval – you don’t need the OPEN GRAPH API “public_actions” permission for your FB app for this ( if you are an admin of an FB page and an admin of an FB app you already have that permission) and that is why they don’t approve the permission for your app.

    I made it associate my wordpress account with my facebook profile after changing the following things in the code(as suggested by jessepearson, I went into the facebook/admin/profile.php and i replaced every username variable in the block of code below with email.)
    This way, the email is retrieved from facebook and not the username according to the changes mentioned for OpenGraph v2.

    try {
    				$facebook_user = Facebook_User::get_facebook_user( $_POST['facebook_fbid'], array( 'fields' => array( 'id', 'email', 'link', 'third_party_id' ) ) );
    				if ( isset( $facebook_user['id'] ) ) {
    					$facebook_user_data = array(
    						'fb_uid' => $facebook_user['id'],
    						'activation_time' => time()
    					if ( ! empty( $facebook_user['email'] ) )
    						$facebook_user_data['email'] = $facebook_user['email'];
    					if ( ! empty( $facebook_user['link'] ) )
    						$facebook_user_data['link'] = $facebook_user['link'];
    					if ( ! empty( $facebook_user['third_party_id'] ) )
    						$facebook_user_data['third_party_id'] = $facebook_user['third_party_id'];
    					Facebook_User::update_user_meta( $wordpress_user_id, 'fb_data', $facebook_user_data );
    					unset( $facebook_user_data );
    				unset( $facebook_user );
    			} catch(Exception $e) { }

    Please note that I am not an expert php developer so in case you spot something wrong please let me know.

    Good luck!

    Later edit:

    Even though I was able to associate the wordpress account with the fb profile, I cannot add the page to send new posts to it. I get the same error.

    I’m having 2 of the issues mentioned in this thread by others.

    1. My app was not approved for “publish_actions” stating:

    General You do not need to request these permissions because your blog or CMS is integrated with an app that you admin. As an App admin, you can already access these permissions and post to your Timeline or a page you admin. You can provide access to additional users by adding them as developers of your App.

    The following items were not reviewed due to general issues with your app:

    2. When I try to link my WordPress account to my FB account using the link at the bottom of the WordPress profile screen, nothing happens. I get a message about saving (although the profile is then saved). I save again to be sure, but no change. I still just see the links and the account is not connected.

    Has anyone who had these issues made any progress? Alex?

    PHP version 5.3.28
    WordPress version 3.9.1
    Server software Apache/2.2.27 (Amazon)
    WP_HTTP connection method cURL 7.36.0; NSS/3.16 Basic ECC



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    I just took a couple more hours to look at this. My edits have allowed me to associate my account to my app, which was approved with only the basic publish article action/object type.

    After linking, I was getting errors and making notes, putting them here…

    This helped with fixing the first two errors received when posting: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/error-can-only-modify-connections-owned-by-this-application

    First error:

    Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”(#100) You haven’t enabled Explicitly Shared for this action type (331247406956072) yet. Please update your Open Graph settings in the App Dashboard”,”type”:”OAuthException”}

    Second error:

    Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”(#100) You haven’t enabled User Messages for this action type (331247406956072) yet. Please update your Open Graph settings in the App Dashboard”,”type”:”OAuthException”}

    Third error:

    Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”Object at URL ‘https://jessepearson.net/2014/08/test-wp/’ of type ‘article’ is invalid because the given value ’10203733936694198′ for property ‘fb:profile_id’ could not be parsed as type ‘profile’.”,”type”:”Exception”}

    The third error seems a little more complicated. Apparently Open Graph v2 has set it up to where each user of an app receives a unique id for that app. I don’t believe that the current plugin has the coding to accommodate for this, and unfortunately I am out of time for now.

    I forked the project on github and put my edits live. If you download it, please take note:

    • that I am winging it just to try to get this plugin to a usable status
    • you may receive errors, debug notices, etc.
    • it does not work
    • I am only posting it if someone wants to pick up where I left off


    @andreas is onto something. I notice the same thing. I have the FB plugin on multiple sites and all of them were working fine (and all were created many months ago). But any new app will not allow me to associate a user. I suspect the plugin needs an update.

    Have you come across the Facebook Auto Publish plugin? It seems to work and does the facebook/wp linkage for you. I have been going ’round in circles trying to get Facebook’s own plugin working today (with the same results as you all)

    Thank you @temboconsulting – I tried that plugin and it is working perfectly.



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Just tested it with my app, WP installation, personal FB timeline and a FB page… and it worked. Good find.

    For FB pages, you have to enter the ID of the page in the settings and not your personal ID.

    Great @amanda and @jessepearson, I’m glad it sorts your problems out too. I marked the facebook plugin as not working here, https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/facebook/, not sure they care!

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