How to Manually enter your Google Analytics tracking ID
In the WordPress Admin Panel, on the left sidebar menu, select
Settings > Google Analytics
On the Google Analytics configuration page, in the upper left is a checkbox with small grey text that reads:
Manually enter your UA code
Check the checkbox and the line above it should change from having a button to authenticate with Google Analytics, to having a text field with the “Manually enter your UA code” text next to it.
Copy your ID
Example: UA-12345678-1
from Google Analytics “tracking info” tab, and paste it into this field. Then click the blue button in that is in the lower right corner of this settings box labeled:
Update Google Analytics Settings
Once you have saved the ID to the plugin, visit your Google Analytics tracking info page again, and refresh the browser. You should see:
Status: Tracking Installed
If you do not, give it a minute or two and refresh again. You should be good. Hope this helps!
I really wish Yoast would either fix the automatic connection issue, or remove the option so it is not so confusing. If it is a situation where the option still works but only for some people, then I suggest it is set the other way, with a checkbox to enable automatic connection, but the default being manual.