• Resolved userp23105


    Good morning everyone, I inherited a wordpress multisite. Now I need to create a blog as a sub-folder site but it is impossible for me to generate new categories, or rather the number of categories present appears but they are not displayed and it is not possible to link them from the articles. Also the select menu of the post default category in the settings section is empty. In the main site, however, the categories are created without problems. What could be the problem? Thank you very much

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    If these articles are some sort of post type besides the default “post” type, they may not have the category taxonomy associated with it. The other possibility is some plugin or the current theme is altering category queries such that they are not working as expected.

    Plugin or theme interference with queries would also explain why a count appears but nothing is listed. I recommend following the usual debugging process of deactivating all plugins and switching to a default Twenty* theme. After doing so, visit the permalinks settings screen for good measure, this causes the rewrite rules to be regenerated. In this state, categories should work normally for the “post” post type. Any added post types will no longer appear, though the underlying data persists and will again be visible when the theme or plugin responsible for the added post type is restored.

    If the problem persists without plugins and a default theme, the core installation may have become corrupted. In such cases, a manual update is called for, even if it’s to the same version.

    If categories again work correctly with no plugins and a default theme, restore your normal theme and plugins, one at a time, testing after each. When the problem recurs, the last activated module is the cause.

    The lack of a default category setting could mean the chosen default had been deleted. Or this too is related to the queries being altered.

    Thread Starter userp23105


    Thank you so much @bcworkz for the help.
    In the end I solved the vulnerability problems and updated the security from the Aruba admin panel and, after it changing the prefix of the tables and therefore having to rename them as before, the problem seems to be solved for now.
    It is still a strange situation and one that had never happened to me in all these years on wordpress.
    Thanks again, have a nice day.

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