• Hey guys,
    I’m having issues uploading images to to a post. I keep getting the following error:

    Unable to create directory /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/wp-content/uploads/2008/05. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    /wp-content/ and /uploads/ are both CHMOD’ed to 777.

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  • I resolved this by playing with the upload paths in:
    General > Settings > Miscellaneous

    Simply deleting the existing path and pasting the FULL path of my image uploading folder fixed the issue for me. No CHMOD 777 crap – thats dangerous btw folks.

    peace out

    I also solved this problem by removing the single slash in front of wp-content/uploads as others mentioned. Worked great. Hope it works for you.

    My solution was from Anonymous:

    I had a similar fix myself. I basically deleted the default path for the “Store uploads in this folder” field in “settings/miscellaneous” and put the full path in the “Full URL path to files (optional)” field.

    I also CHMODded /wp-content to 755 and /wp-content/uploads to 777. I selected “organize by month/year”. It’s working fine now.

    It’s amazing how much little stuff can go wrong.


    thanks to some guys who have posted here.
    i tried every method listed here, CHMOD, and changing blog address from https://www.domain.com to http//domain.com didnt help me

    what worked for me was, i changed store URL to wp-content/uploads it was something like home/bogee/...../wp-content/uploads after the upgrade to WP 2.7. i left Full URL path blank itself.

    thanks to every guy who have suggested this method

    This solution worked for me on WP 2.7:

    I am using WP 2.6. I CH’MOD (777) the following directories:

    *every folder/subfolder with uploads

    I then went to Settings > Miscellaneous > Full URL path to files (optional)

    I put in: https://yourdomain.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads

    and made sure my uploads were set to:


    Hope this helps!

    I think it was the setting of the file paths under Settings > Miscellaneous that fixed the issue.

    I think it was the setting of the file paths under Settings > Miscellaneous that fixed the issue

    I just encountered this error today. I had just recently uploaded a new WP site from a local computer to a hosting account. When I uploaded the database, it retained the path from my local computer.

    So in my case it was the file path under settings/Misc

    Thanks for all the help on this thread.

    My solution:

    In the Miscellaneous settings I changed the Store uploads in this folder path to ../blog/wp-content/uploads as opposed to the default (/home/me/public_html/blog/…) That seemed to work fine.

    …and made sure my uploads were set to:


    I had migrated my blog from my development server to a hosted server recently. All was fine after hand-editing the SQL dump to reflect the new file paths…except this bit of info above! Once I reset the “Store uploads in this folder” to the default “wp-content/uploads” all was well.

    These issues surrounding file uploads are common. Unfortunately there are myriad causes for this. But I DID learn what I needed to know from this thread!



    I was playing with some of the settings that weren’t mentioned in any of the posts I found on the forums and was able to fix the problem WITHOUT messing with permissions and safe-mode. When logged into WordPress dashboard(wp-admin url page) I went to settings>miscellaneous. I changed ‘Store uploads in this folder’ to ‘wp-content/uploads’ (mine was this by default but I made sure it was this since I read it could cause this problem if it wasn’t this), then I unchecked the ‘Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders’ box. Unchecking this box and saving the changes is what solved my problem.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! After three hours of working this issue (one of which was spent with my cranky internet connection) I can finally move on to what I was trying to do in the first place.


    Thank you!

    ARRRGGGG, I’m having same issue and twop’s suggestion didn’t work for me.


    Remove the first forward slash of your upload directory in the Settings > Miscellaneous section. Its works. Never do CHMOD 777. That is not an answer for a production website.

    Hey, I was having this “unable to create folder” problem too. For me, it turned out that chmod didn’t help. The issue was my upload_path in wp_options (for whatever reason) was wrong.

    I created a file called test.php and did a phpinfo() to determine what the correct DOCUMENT_ROOT was, then added that before the wp-content/uploads in the upload_path row of the wp_options table.

    This fixed it for me — now even the Flash uploader works!

    Hey everyone,

    Here is a completely new twist to this problem. I am hosting my WordPress blog site on an IIS server running Windows XP with FastCGI and PHP 5.
    After setting up WordPress I exported my blogs from the wordpress.com web site and tried to import into my own WordPress. I kept getting this same mistake over and over again. The problem was that the upload_path in mySql database was pointing to the absolute path. I updated it to point to /wp-content/uploads.

    I guess it might not be of great help to most of you, but you might want to look at this option to try and solve the issue.


    Here’s what worked for me, after much messing around. Note I have root access to my Linux/Apache server, so I can run chown commands. In shared hosting environments, you’ll simply have to ask your tech support to do this. Shouldn’t be a big deal.

    directory – permissions – owner/group

    wp-content drwxr-xr-x (755) apache apache
    uploads drwxr-xr-x (755) apache apache


    themes drwxr-xr-x (755) casey psacln

    …so that I can modify my theme with my FTP client and text editor of choice. If themes was apache apache, I would not be able to edit my template(s).

    This works fine, and I can upload/save/delete at will with the WP 2.7 Flash uploader.

    PHP safe_mode is ON.

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