• ResolvedPlugin Contributor photocrati


    This thread is referring to the issue of unable to create new gallery or unable to successfully upload images to gallery as of v1.9.10/v1.9.11Beta of NextGEN Gallery & WordPress v3.5.x . This thread is NOT referring to the ‘Page Refreshes/URI Too Large‘ error.

    If you are experiencing this error, please detail the below needed information + temp. login information in a Bug Report to us here. Thanks!

    – WordPress up to date?
    – NextGEN up to date? (Did this error begin as of v1.9.10 or v1.9.11Beta?)

    (please confirm the following, with your server host tech) :
    – MySQL up to date (5.2.4)?
    – PHP up to date (5.0)?
    – The mod_rewrite Apache module activated?
    – PHP Safe Mode OFF?

    and if you’re willing to share:
    – Who are you hosted with?
    – What theme are you running?
    – Which plugins do you have installed and activated?
    – Does this error still occur if you switch your theme to the WP default, and deactivate all plugins except NextGEN Gallery? (*be sure to clear your browser cache and reload your site after deactivating)

    We will likely have a fix for this in our next upgrade, but to be sure we do – we’ll need as much information as possible from those of you who are experiencing this bug.

    *Please do not post unrelated issues in this thread. This thread is specifically for the issue of being unable to create new gallery or upload images to gallery as of v1.9.10 upgrade/v1.9.11Beta & WP 3.5.x.



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    Explanation above. ^

    jusst create a row between NAME and PATH named SLUG….
    varchar(255) utf8_general_ci No no

    [ Signature moderated. ]


    Its me again.

    I resolved the last problem, that not store the data on the database ngg_gallery table.

    Next problem…at the moment to choose the images you want to upload to X gallery, Nextgen gallery said “0 images uploaded “…

    Thats another problem with the order and rows in the database of ngg_pictures:


    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wp_ngg_pictures (
    pid bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
    galleryid bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
    filename varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    description mediumtext,
    alttext mediumtext,
    classtext mediumtext,
    imagedate datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
    exclude tinyint(4) default ‘0’,
    sortorder bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
    meta_data longtext,
    PRIMARY KEY (pid),
    KEY post_id (post_id)


    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wp_ngg_pictures (
    pid bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    image_slug varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
    galleryid bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
    filename varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    description mediumtext,
    alttext mediumtext,
    imagedate datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
    exclude tinyint(4) default ‘0’,
    sortorder bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
    meta_data longtext,
    PRIMARY KEY (pid),
    KEY post_id (post_id)


    Just Delete classtext row and then ADD between PIB and POST_ID the follow:
    image_slug varchar(255) NOT NULL,

    And then….all will work again, completely again!


    Benjamin Spencer.

    Why does this thread say ‘resolved’ if issue is not resolved. Do I really have to go through all those steps akira outlined? Many of us don’t even have access to the SQL tables, let alone the time to change it.
    Will this issue be fixed any time soon?

    Im not really a Expert of Nextgen Gallery, but im with you…there are a tool in nextgen that when you update the plugin, it update your database.

    With a tool like that, you will not have to access to Mysql.

    Well,…..you not even need acess to SQL tables, just develop a little PHP that makes connection with your database (wordpress) and replace names and attributions. Just that.

    [line moderated – please keep the support in the forum]

    Only if my problem was your today problem.

    Thank you Akira, your offer is very kind. But it might be easier to return to previous version. Is there any place to find that version I wonder?

    I tried with previous version, but my problems still there.

    Here i put you the versions that i did found in my clients sites.


    I have upgraded to the most current plugin and half the time I cannot upload new photos. any help would be appreciated.


    We are having this problem. We are unable to add galleries, add images or change text (alt and description) of existing images. We are using WP 3.5.1 and NextGen Version 1.9.12. Our site is https://janetgoldner.com Our theme is basic but customized. There is nothing in the theme that would cause this problem.

    I have spent a good amount of time looking into the problem, checking paths, permissions, debugging php and javascript, checking error logs. I have discovered that when I try to create a new gallery, a folder is created in the gallery folder but the new gallery is not visible in the WordPress Admin. And NextGen is not adding the new gallery to the database, nor modifying text in the database when I modify it in the WP Admin. Something is going wrong between NextGen and the database. All the existing galleries are functioning correctly but nothing new can be added.

    I hope this is enough information. I would consider this an urgent and major problem. I understand that the plugin is free and I appreciate all the work that has gone into it but my client has over 600 images in 50 galleries and I dread having to change over to the default Media Library. I hope you will be able solve this problem soon. And I would really appreciate a message with updates. Thank you.

    Below are the specs for the system we are using. The site is hosted on Dreamhost.

    Operating System : Linux (64 Bit)
    Server : Apache
    Memory usage : 33.26 MByte
    MYSQL Version : 5.1.56-log
    SQL Mode : Not set
    PHP Version : 5.2.17
    PHP Safe Mode : Off
    PHP Allow URL fopen : On
    PHP Memory Limit : 90
    PHP Max Upload Size : 7M
    PHP Max Post Size : 8M
    PCRE Backtracking Limit : 500000
    PHP Max Script Execute Time : 30s
    PHP Exif support : Yes ( V1.4 )
    PHP IPTC support : Yes
    PHP XML support : Yes

    Graphic Library

    GD Version : bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
    FreeType Support : Yes
    FreeType Linkage : with freetype
    T1Lib Support : No
    GIF Read Support : Yes
    GIF Create Support : Yes
    JPG Support : Yes
    PNG Support : Yes
    WBMP Support : Yes
    XPM Support : No
    XBM Support : Yes
    JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support : No

    Hello again.

    I just followed akira02 advice and added “slug” to the wp_ngg_gallery
    and “image_slug” to wp_ngg_pictures. I did it using phpMyAdmin and added them to the existing tables. I did not have to start from scratch and restore data to the database. It is easy to do if you know about mysql and phpMyAdmin but it is not a fix that regular uses can implement.

    The good news is that it fixed the problem for the site I am working on.

    Photocrati, I hope you get it together with the next upgrade so we don’t have to go through this again.

    But still, thanks for you work. best, Daniel

    I also followed akira02 advice to add the slug (and image_slug) field in the database scheme and everything went well. Now i got a working nggallery plugin again. Thank you akira02

    I`ve had the same issue ever since the last update too,

    I`ve added the two columns from myPHPadmin, but still no go.

    Included a picture of myPHPadmin with both wp_ngg_pictures and wp_ngg_gallery, any tips would be much obliged.


    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    Following up with you all here, deactivating v1.9.12 of the plugin and then reactivating the plugin should update the tables for you. In some rare cases, you may need to adjust the database tables. This is a MySQL database error, and there isn’t much we can do from our end. Although we’ll of course look into any possible way we can help prevent this in future upgrades. v2.0 Beta, that includes some substantial changes to the plugin, is around the corner and hopefully it will be a better experience for you all. Anyone who is still experiencing the above error, please continue to send in your information and we’ll continue to investigate anything we can do / add to our plugin to help prevent this error.


    Hi Photocrati
    I have NextGen v1.9.12 installed on my site and am experiencing the same problems. The database tables look ok. I can create galleries (new row in the gallery table is added and folder on the system added with the correct permissions) however I cannot add photos to the newly created gallery. When I try to add an image to the gallery HTTP Error flashes up then I see a message 0 picture(s) successfully added [Edit gallery] at the top of the screen. Disabling the flash upload doesn’t make a difference.

    Site is hosted on LetsHost.ie and specs below:
    Operating System : Linux (64 Bit)
    Server : Apache
    Memory usage : 39.51 MByte
    MYSQL Version : 5.1.68-cll
    SQL Mode : Not set
    PHP Version : 5.3.23
    PHP Safe Mode : Off
    PHP Allow URL fopen : On
    PHP Memory Limit : 128
    PHP Max Upload Size : 2M
    PHP Max Post Size : 8M
    PCRE Backtracking Limit : 500000
    PHP Max Script Execute Time : 30s
    PHP Exif support : No
    PHP IPTC support : Yes
    PHP XML support : Yes

    Graphic Library

    GD Version : bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
    FreeType Support : Yes
    FreeType Linkage : with freetype
    T1Lib Support : No
    GIF Read Support : Yes
    GIF Create Support : Yes
    JPEG Support : Yes
    PNG Support : Yes
    WBMP Support : Yes
    XPM Support : Yes
    XBM Support : Yes
    JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support : No

    I can add photos via the wordpress media manager and you checker shows no conflicts/errors with any theme or plugins (I have tried disabling other plugins also). Theme is customised version of Twenty Twelve.
    Hope you get this sorted soon….



    Take a look on ngg_pictures table.

    Your problem is part of the same issue.
    Check with another nextgen gallery database that works ok, what differences has that one database with yours one not working.

    You should found differences between yours ngg_pictures table and the new working one.

    Just add the rows, rename it, order just like working one.

    After that, you should have your ngg gallery right.

    Bsr .cl

    Have one gallery posted from back in October. Just trying to add another gallery but nothing happens. Have uploaded all of the photos. Running 3.5.1.

    Sounds like whatever you did never should have been released. Looks like many people have experienced the same problem.

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