• When our site is shared on Facebook this is the text that accompanies the page title & image:

    You can enable/disable this widget from Customizer – Frontpage – Homepage Widget A. You can also set the backgroung image to your preference. This is a widget placeholder, and you can add any widget to it from Customizer – Widgets.

    I would much rather have it be text from our site, or a static description, rather than something that sounds like it should be hidden away as a comment in the source code.

    So far I’ve been unable to locate where this is sourced from. I thought I had found it when I added a description meta tag to the Theme Header (header.php), but no such luck. This is the code I added to the head section of header.php:

    <meta name="description" content="Over 20 years old, Young Writers Workshop is a summer creative writing program for rising fourth graders through recent high school graduates in Louisville." />

    Anyone have any insight as to where I can change this behavior and add a proper description?

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