Unable to edit type in cells
I am using tables to list documents in an extranet I created for a client. I have just gone into it to add some new documents and find I can’t edit text in any of the cells. I can type directly into the cell, which is OK as long as I don’t make any errors or have to leave the page for any reason, but one column includes a link to download the document and therefore involves HTML, which means I leave the table to copy the link. When I return to the table and click into the cell to paste in the URL it deletes everything that is already in the cell. I found the only way round was to create the code in Notepad and to copy and paste that in in its entirety.
I have not included a link as the website is login only, but can send you the link privately with a login.
Here is the Debug and Version info:
· Website: https://www.geaftextranet.co.uk
· TablePress: 2.0.4
· TablePress (DB): 53
· TablePress table scheme: 3
· Plan: Free
· Plugin installed: 2021/02/25 18:35:08
· WordPress: 6.1.1
· Multisite: no
· PHP: 8.1.14
· mysqli Extension: true
· mySQL (Server): 10.4.26-MariaDB-log
· mySQL (Client): mysqlnd 8.1.14
· ZIP support: yes
· UTF-8 conversion: yes
· WP Memory Limit: 40M
· Server Memory Limit: 256M
· WP_DEBUG: false
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