• Hey

    Need to edit the Status-Date-Price heading in ‘Your Account’ Page and also Purchase History|Your Details|Your Downloads thing needs to go.

    I tried editing the wpsc-account-purchase-history.php file in themes folder after having copied the core theme files to my active theme folder ( Settings > Store > Presentation ). But it doesn’t work for Status – Date – Price heading neither the code for Purchase History|Your Details|Your Downloads is visible in there.

    I’ve also tried editing wpsc-account-downloads.php and wpsc-account-edit-profile.php files. Didn’t work.

    How do I do this?


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  • Same issue here – any luck @shubhamk ?

    Try wpsc-user-log.php

    Able to edit the wpsc-user-log.php template, but the wpsc-account-edit-profile.php and wpsc-account-purchase-history.php template files are stilling be pulled from the /wpsc-theme/ folder, rather than the copied ones.

    Think it might have something to do with the do_action( 'wpsc_user_profile_section_' . $current_tab ); function

    Edit: Upon further inspection, the do_action( 'wpsc_user_profile_section_' . $current_tab ); does seem to be the culprit. The functions it references in wpsc-user_log_functions.php contain includes which specifically reference the wpsc-theme folder – they don’t check to see if you have copied them to your own theme folder.

    I did some snooping on github and it looks like someone has committed a patch for this, but I don’t think it’s has been merged to a stable release as of yet.

    The temporary fix I am using is simply commenting out do_action( 'wpsc_user_profile_section_' . $current_tab ); and using if statements to pull in the right templates:

        if($current_tab == 'purchase_history'){ include('wpsc-account-purchase-history.php'); }
        if($current_tab == 'edit_profile'){ include('wpsc-account-edit-profile.php'); }

    The download section requires a bit of extra code, which can be found in wpsc-theme/functions/wpsc-user_log_functions.php on line 760

    Nice fix @toastdesign. Thanks!

    A good way to fix this without breaking any future functionality is to replace:

    do_action( 'wpsc_user_profile_section_' . $current_tab );

    In wpsc-user-log.php to:

    if ($current_tab == 'purchase_history') {
            } elseif ($current_tab == 'edit_profile') {
            }else {
                do_action( 'wpsc_user_profile_section_' . $current_tab );

    Actually, that first if section for purchase_history can be removed unless you are doing fancy things like I am.

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