• I had an install of Joomla in the root directory of my site and WordPress in a subdirectory. Through Cpanel using Installatron, I uninstalled Joomla expecting that I would still be able to access WordPress using the sub-directory address. However, when I try, I get the message “Error establishing a database connection”. Now I have checked through Cpanel and the WP database is still there and it all seems to be OK. I have looked at the info in the Codex and can’t work out what I might need to do to fix this. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.


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  • Did you check your wp-config file if you have the correct database name, database username, database password and MySQL hostname?

    Thread Starter kuroz


    I have checked all of the above and it is correct. I had already copied the index.php and .htaccess and changed the following from:
    to the following, using your directory name for the WordPress core files:

    What I didn’t do was change anything in the admin area of WordPress before deleting Joomla but I wouldn’t have thought that there was anything I needed to do as it should still be accessible through the subdirectory, shouldn’t it?

    Can you post your blog URL?

    Thread Starter kuroz



    Sorry, I am getting HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error. It is a very generic error that can be resulting from a variety of reasons including server problems. Have you contacted your host regarding this? Can you login to your dashboard?

    Thread Starter kuroz


    Since posting my issue, I’ve done further searches on the forum for the error message, “Error establishing a database connection”. Most responses seem to be along the lines of “It is likely to be issues with your host”. I an be almost 100% sure that the host for my site isn’t the issue. I had my web site using Joomla (& database) in the root of my public_html directory. I had a second database installed for WordPress with another version of the web site in a subdirectory of public_html. I decided that I wanted to continue with the WordPress version of the site and remove the Joomla version. Using Installatron, I uninstalled Joomla and hey presto, the error message came up about the database connection. I do not understand how removing Joomla and its database would impact on WordPress. I have checked all files and the config is still correct. I can still see everything once I log into PHPMyAdmin/Cpanel. I have a backup.

    I know that I can do a clean install and reload everything but I feel sure that it is only a simple matter of changing something in a file. Could deleting the Joomla database have affected WordPress in some way – are there files that would be shared under the public_html directory?

    Thread Starter kuroz



    I’ve looked at my site now on a number of computers and have asked people who’ve never looked at it before to tell me what they see. All have given me the error message I’ve reported, not the internal server error message you report so I am not sure why we would all get a different message to you.

    When you refer to the dashboard, what one are you talking about – the WordPress dashboard and if so, then No I can’t log into it because I can’t access the site that way.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Since posting my issue, I’ve done further searches on the forum for the error message, “Error establishing a database connection”. Most responses seem to be along the lines of “It is likely to be issues with your host”. I an be almost 100% sure that the host for my site isn’t the issue.

    The error logs from your host woud confirm that. The only time you get that message is if the mysql database isn’t picking up the phone when WordPress calls it.

    If there is a 500 error being generated it could be from the .htaccess file or something in PHP is crashing. Again the server logs should help you identify where/what the issue is.

    Edit: Sorry, cross-post – I was typing.

    Thread Starter kuroz


    I’ve just put up a ‘web site down for maintenance’ message on the main site so the database error won’t come up there but it will for mackayfamilyhistory.org.au/wp/. I have another site hosted on the same server which has a similar set up to this one with which I’m having issues. This other site also uses a database structure (but not Joomla) and the WordPress blog is in its own subdirectory. It is all working as it should so I doubt that it is a server issue. I think that the uninstall of Joomla has affected WordPress in some way but can’t work out what or how.

    Thread Starter kuroz


    Krishna wrote:

    Yes, you are right. Theoretically, deleting your root directory should not affect your blog independently installed in a sub-directory.
    BTW, can you check what you have in the settings for site url and home url?

    I’m not sure where you want me to check the settings so I apologise if I’m a bit slow on the uptake here. The Joomla site was at mackayfamilyhistory.org.au and the WordPress blog was at mackayfamilyhistory.org.au/wp/. Is this what you mean?

    What I meant is: Go to Dashboard > Settings > General and check if you have the correct WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL). You can check it now.

    Thread Starter kuroz


    I can’t log into the admin area of WordPress. Is there another way I can view the settings through cPanel and/or PHYMyAdmin?

    Thread Starter kuroz


    Sorry – PHPMyadmin – getting late here.

    Thread Starter kuroz


    OK using PHPMyAdmin, I have gone into the database for the blog. Can’t mistake it as it is the only database I have now. In the table wp_options, the site URL is: https://www.mackayfamilyhistory.org.au/wp/ and the home URL is the same.

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