• Hi there

    Have just uploaded the database backup made when first installed iThemes security, as like many here, I found myself locked out after the update to iThemes security (4.02).

    I decided to check the new ‘hide login area’ for clues.

    I noticed that where there were previously 3 x ‘slugs’ that could be changed;, login, register and admin, there was now only one.

    What was more significant was that the choice previously made for the ‘login’ slug was now the only slug.

    A message also stated that:
    ‘Hides the login page (wp-login.php, wp-admin, admin and login) making it harder to find by automated attacks and making it easier for users unfamiliar with the WordPress platform’.

    So if anyone is still trying to access admin with their previous ‘admin slug’ it wont be recognised. Try your ‘login slug’.

    Hope that helps


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  • I tried to log in via my slug name, and after login, I get a 404. I can’t access the admin pages AT ALL!!!!


    The fact that support “-admin” hide option is gone is a HUGE hassle. We manage hundreds of websites for clients and now need to contact all of our clients to tell them that their logins will no longer work. I can’t believe that this was missed as it will be a huge hassle and cause an immense amount of follow up that wasn’t expected and shouldn’t have to happen because I-Themes dropped the ball.

    As a long time user of Backup-Buddy and Better WP Security I find this a HUGE MISS and would welcome a fix from iThemes.

    waynejohn – you should be able to go into the .htaccess file and fix the redirect. We’ve been able to do that on any sites that we had an issue with.

    Again – disappointing from someone like iThemes who I would have thought would have paid MUCH MORE ATTENTION to the HIDE feature and the repercussions their update would have.

    iTheme – Can you fix this please?? Our old login redirects should still work.

    I agree with valorouscircle, this is extremely annoying.

      Why fix something that wasn’t broken?

    Please change it back!

    Thanks for the voice of support danp1991 – unfortunately no one at iThemes wants to provide any answers. They contacted me right away to ask me to buy the Developers License. I’d like this resolved first.

    For me, the custom login page works… sort of. In the page appears the basic wordpress box AND my 404 error warning.

    I’ve tried all of my slugs and all produce a 404 error. I’ve never tried manipulating the .htaccess file, here it goes!

    Ouch. Talked too early. Now, I was kicked out from Admin page for no reason.

    Hey guys, I was able to work around via another thread I found somewhere else. The gist was to rename the plugin folder, which would disable the plugin, then login like normal, and then rename the plugin folder back.

    That’s what I ultimately did to regain access.

    Yea, I am locked out too. I am thinking with all the 404 errors it blacklisted me now to.

    This is the second update from them that has caused me to get shut out of my site.

    This patch is an epic fail.

    Ended up having to rename the plugin directory from FTP. Uninstall the plugin. Reinstall the plugin and reconfigure many of my security settings.

    Problem with Hide Backend solved….

    Fisrt disable the hide backend function, the problem is in the htaccess that exists the options below in the middle of the file:

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    But iThemes Security are not recognizing them and add same config to the final of the htaccess, them the comands become repeated, when you enable the function the IThemes Security add this commands above and conflict with old commands at the middle of the file:

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteRule ^YOURSLUG/?$ /wp-login.php [QSA,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    The solution is remove the old commands that are at the middle (the first set of commands that i posted) and let the commands added automatically in the final, after that enable hide backend and no more problems with this function.

    And what about Nginx ? ??

    I’ll owe a solution to Nginx, i not use it … Maybe someone who understands Nginx can get the solution with this explanation I gave.

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