Unable to make payment using Cardinal Commerce
I am using your plugin for 3-D secure payment gateway , I have “API Identifier,API OrgUnitId,API Key” keys and also follow your plugin configuration documnetation from this link https://cardinaldocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CP/pages/681213956/WooCommerce+Plugin+Configuration
My Question is when i click on the Place order Button on my checkout page ajax is fire and i get action log in my browser console but this process is never ending, like action keep repeating itself, I have also check this by switching to wordpress default twentynineteen theme but i get same result.
I am using Dummy Card number to test payment process.
My Woocommerce version is 3.6.2. and wordpress version is 5.1.1
This is my console logBase.Events: Publishing [active] event [start.CCA] as a historic event with [1] subscriber(s) XHR finished loading: POST "https://mydomain/?wc-ajax=checkout". Found unprofiled bin on request, checking to see if bin requires profiling.. Base.Message.BinEnabled: Processing DeviceFingerprinter Bin Enabled message... Base.cors: Detected client in test group B, activating new CORS Retry Logic Base.cors: Sending async post request to https://geo.cardinalcommerce.com/DeviceFingerprintWeb/V2/Bin/Enabled with a timeout value of 4000ms XHR finished loading: OPTIONS "https://geo.cardinalcommerce.com/DeviceFingerprintWeb/V2/Bin/Enabled". Base.cors: Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8 Base.cors: CORS message completed successfully Base.cors: {"message":"CORS Connection Results","wasRequestSuccessful":true,"statusCode":200,"domain":"https://geo.cardinalcommerce.com/DeviceFingerprintWeb/V2","path":"/Bin/Enabled","method":"post","elapsedTime":795.0999999993655,"isAsync":true,"timeout":4000,"response":{"ConfigsEnabled":false,"MethodUrlEnabled":false},"maxRetries":1,"currentRetryIteration":0,"testGroup":1} XHR finished loading: POST "https://geo.cardinalcommerce.com/DeviceFingerprintWeb/V2/Bin/Enabled". 1.a74bedc….songbird.js:12 Base.DF: Bin does not require profiling. 1.a74bedc….songbird.js:12 Base.DF: MethodURL is not required to run 1.a74bedc….songbird.js:12 Base.Payment.ConsumerAuthentication: Order: { "Consumer": { "Account": { "AccountNumber": "****", "ExpirationMonth": "05", "ExpirationYear": "2023", "CardCode": "****" } } } Base.Payment.ConsumerAuthentication: Updated JWT: myjwtcode Base.JWTUtility: JWT decoded successfully Base.Events: Publishing [internal] event [payments.selected] as an average event with [1] subscriber(s) Base.Message.Start: Processing Start Message for payment brand [CCA]... Base.cors: Sending async post request to https://centinelapi.cardinalcommerce.com/V1/Order/JWT/Start with a timeout value of 4000ms XHR finished loading: OPTIONS "https://centinelapi.cardinalcommerce.com/V1/Order/JWT/Start". XHR finished loading: OPTIONS "https://kg668dbov0.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod/log". Base.cors: Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8 Base.cors: CORS message completed successfully XHR finished loading: POST "https://centinelapi.cardinalcommerce.com/V1/Order/JWT/Start". Base.cors: {"message":"CORS Connection Results","wasRequestSuccessful":true,"statusCode":200,"domain":"https://centinelapi.cardinalcommerce.com/V1/Order/JWT","path":"/Start","method":"post","elapsedTime":2090.700000000652,"isAsync":true,"timeout":4000,"response":{"CardinalJWT":"....jwt response...."},"maxRetries":1,"currentRetryIteration":0,"testGroup":1} Base.EndpointMonitor: Monitored https://centinelapi.cardinalcommerce.com/V1/Order/JWT/Start Base.Message.Start: using full response validation on /Start response Base.JWTUtility: JWT decoded successfully Base.JWTUtility: Cardinal response returned as successful Base.Message.Start: Start request completed successfully. Base.Payment.ConsumerAuthentication: Lookup Response: { "Successful": true, "CCA": { "AuthenticationPath": "ATTEMPTS_COMPLETE", "ThreeDSVersion": "1.0.2", "ACSTransactionId": "", "DSTransactionId": "", "ThreeDSServerTransactionId": "", "ACSUrl": "", "Enrolled": "Y", "OrderId": "8000864508992577", "Payload": "", "TransactionId": "KSVEB1vkuv86C2nOBZL0", "ReasonCode": "0", "ReasonDescription": "" }, "ValidateResponse": "......", "ErrorNumber": 0, "ErrorDescription": "Success" } Base.JWTUtility: JWT decoded successfully Base.Payment.ConsumerAuthentication: Detected ValidateResponse, short cutting to payments.validated Base.Events: Publishing [passive] event [payments.validated] as an average event with [2] subscriber(s) Base: Flushing logs Base.Events: Publishing [active] event [start.CCA] as a historic event with [1] subscriber(s)
This process keep repeating itself
When this process repeat itself i always get different OrderId and TransactionId.Please provide me some assistance to solve this issue.
Thank You
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