• I am trying to build a website for the first time on my own PC. I downloaded as appropriate, and also completed the database fields as requested. I was given the above link but cannot open it.

    What am I doing wrong??

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  • Do you have a Linux hosting account that you can test with? Installing WP on a standard host account is easy through the control panel (using Fantastico) and, here’s the point, it would eliminate any issues on your PC as part of the problem.

    Thread Starter newbee99


    So, I am getting a bit confused about this
    1) Do I need to pay money (at the moment) to be able to use Fantastico.

    2) I have now obtained a USERNAME with NETEMBERG.COM

    3) Is my CPanel associated with WORDPRESS,if so how do I acess this?

    Many thanks for replying.

    Newbee, you said that you are trying to build locally on your computer right? You need to download and install a local server enviroment like Xampp or Wamp You can decide which one suits you best. I personally use xampp https://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html

    Props to Wayne for sending you valuable links, but I think that with your current skill level, you needs fewer things to worry about.

    If you have a hosting account with GoDaddy, HostGator, or a similar company that provides a full CPanel for you, you have the use of Fantastico for free as part of the host account. Fantastico will allow you to install WordPress (and a lot of other software) with just a few clicks.

    Once you have it installed, you log into the back end using this kind of web address: https://yoursitename.com/wp-login.php

    I could not find a “NETEMBERG.COM” or “NETEMBERG” using Google, so I don’t know what to tell you about them.

    You should be able to access your cpanel account at:


    You’ll use that mainly for access to a file manager, backups, and configuring email accounts.

    Once you get your live site going, I would recommend trying to do a local install on your PC by installing XAAMP and then installing WordPress. It will take a few hours and some reading, but you’ll learn quite a bit and can test things on a local site before making changes to your live account.

    Good Luck!

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